The birth of this Blog happened on what should have been a hot August day. The calendar said it was August, but the rain outside said it was more like late October. The second August rain, not bad considering I hadn't seen August rains in these parts since moving here 14 years ago. The first rain was more of a storm with all of the light and sound effects.
In some ways, I'm looking forward to a couple decades of global cooling. Augusts were way too hot here, with about a weeks worth of 100 degree plus days. Come to think of it, I haven't seen 100 degree temps in quite a few years, fewer 90 degree days too. This August temps were mostly in the 70's. Nights have already been as low as 39 degrees. August? My tomatoes don't think so either. Sure, we've had some red tomatoes, as I hover over them giving them verbal encouragement to turn red or even orange.
The only contrary opinions are the horses coats, but then they're like that. They have not sported their winter coats yet, which could be a bad sign. On our coldest winter in 5 years they didn't don their winter fur until last in the year, but the winter with the record breaking snow depths, they had thick coats by October. Squirrels are busier than ever and not chattering, could mean a cold winter or perhaps just a long one. I'm hoping for a long fall and short winter.
Click on the Hot August Nights for a link to Ice Age Now, to see record cold temps & harsh weather world wide.
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