Sunday, July 14, 2013

Humongous Bales of Hay!

These are seriously large bales of hay!  The photo shows just  2 bales, each weighing a massive 1,800 lbs, give or take.

Now, we've had big bales before, but not THIS big.  But when you need hay at an inconvenient time, you take what you can get.

We had an exceptionally wet Spring and the hay crop was later than normal and not nearly as bountiful.  Now there's more hay becoming available but a few weeks ago, there wasn't any, anywhere..

This huge bales were way too heavy for our small 12' trailer, they fit nicely but popped the tire on the way home.  Small towns are nice, Les Schwab was there in minutes then came quickly back with another tire so we could get the 15 miles home!

These babies are not easy to work with each flake is 4' x 4' square and a couple of inches thick, so they're hard to manage.  Ruby sits at my feet wondering why they're so huge!

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