Sunday, August 4, 2013

Another Oregon Rescue Speaks Our Against SB6

Hello. I am Susan and I am tired.

I started a rescue when  I discovered that another rescue with whom I was volunteering was killing dogs for being too much work and basically the founder was ripping people off for money.

I had several fosters at that time and had arrangements for other dogs from CA coming ...but since what I found out disturbed me so much, I felt I had no choice but to protect my fosters and the dogs I had coming from CA by starting my own rescue and getting them adopted out myself. 

I had no start up money, no volunteers, no resources...I did it all on the fly and with cashing out my retirement money and maxing out credit cards. I do get some donations...esp since becoming a 501c3, but they do not come close to meeting the expenses I had from dogs with so many medical and behavioral needs come to me.

I have since started a 501c3, but with the passage of SB6, I am taking the word "rescue" out of my organization. After working myself to the bone, destroying relationships with my family and my husband and going literally broke, I found the words of Sharon Harmon to be the epitome of evil. Indeed, the rescue with whom I severed ties has been in support of SB6...and she is making money and killing dogs after taking donations from people specifically for these dogs!

I am a lawyer, but I do not practice. I cannot afford the malpractice insurance. I work full time at the a medium security prison. I teach mentally ill and developmentally delayed inmates. I find that the inmates that I teach have more pure intentions and caring for the dogs I help than does Sharon Harmon. THAT fact speaks volumes.

I am Susan and I am tired and I am angry. I guess that's it.

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