Friday, December 6, 2013

Are We All Eating Fukushima Radioactive Fallout?

In my estimation all of the food in the Northern Hemisphere, including organic, has the potential of having Fukushima radiation fall on it. Since March 11, 2011, I have been heavily supplementing and detoxing myself and all of my animals.

This radiation isn't a surprise, it has been happening every day for 24/7 and will continue for generations to come. It could only get worse if the fuel rod removal from Reactor 4 get loose!
You can learn of my Top 50 Radiation Solutions  to minimize harmful effects from radiation ..

I intend to take extra precautions for the remainder of my life, learn more about Radiation Detox

For my garden, I use Zeolite in the soil prior to planting and also built a greenhouse to eliminate fallout. For my animals, I put Bentonite clay in their water and they will choose water with clay every time, rather than plain water.

Stay healthy.


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