Weil (pronounced "while"), M.D., is a professor at the University of
Arizona specializing in integrated medicine, which combines allopathic
medicine with nutritional therapies.
Dr. Weil is also a supplement
spokesperson, and a prolific author. The doctor is an icon for organic
product and herbal supplement marketing, a media darling, and a
self-appointed leader of the alternative health movement.
As if all that
were not enough, Weil also has his own private medical practice, and is
a proud graduate of Harvard University. Nowadays, one cannot stroll the
aisles of most health-related retailers without seeing his face in all
These may be tough times for the rest of us, but business is
great for Dr. Weil. At the beginning of his career, Weil lived on a
South Dakota Indian reservation, where he studied herbal medicine and
ritualistic healing with a Lakota medicine man named Leonard Crow Dog.
In his 1972 book,
The Natural Mind, Weil demonstrated his
shaman influence by criticizing American drug policy, and revealing his
fondness for states of altered consciousness induced by psychedelic
drugs, hypnosis, and meditation.
A Media Darling
We have spent a great deal of time studying Dr. Weil's work. What we
discovered was so disturbing that we felt it was our duty to publish it.
The backdrop of his allopathic medical heritage causes us to wonder if
he may be covertly aiding allopathic medicine by very publicly
practicing alternative medicine in a manner which ultimately discredits

has been placed in an excellent position to do this by the
long-standing enemies of alternative medicine -- mainstream media and
publishing houses -- whose funding from the pharmaceutical industry
exceeds that from all other sponsors combined.
We have been
flabbergasted at how big media companies are so willing to aggressively
promote Dr. Weil, when they have historically had an open policy of
mocking, suppressing, and marginalizing all natural health therapies.
Our nervousness about the M.D. is founded upon an unmistakable pattern
that is exposed herein.
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Sun Tzu knew that the surest way to destroy any enemy was from the
inside, by undermining it with trickery and treason.
The safest, and
easiest route for our publication would be, of course, to simply look
the other way, as all of our cowardly peers have done. We are, however,
striving for significantly higher journalistic standards and ethics.
contrast the difference, Time Magazine featured Dr. Weil not once, but
twice on the cover of its magazine; for issues which were dedicated to
him. One of the articles confessed that Time Magazine was a partner
corporation of Time New Media, which was bargaining with Weil for an
affiliation contract.
F.U.D.: It Happened First In The Software Industry
Not so long ago, during the so-called dot-com era, technology and
Internet-based services were growing exponentially, at a rate never
before seen in any modern industry. In the span of less than 10 years,
we went from using the postal system and VHS video tapes to real-time
streaming video, e-mail, and the mother of them all: the World Wide Web.
Business in the technology industry was good;
really good.
Many of the meekly software companies quickly grew into titanic
international corporations with billions of dollars flowing into them
every year; and with no end in sight. It was an era fueled by incredible
technological innovations by thousands of corporations and private
Foremost of the young mega-corporations was Microsoft. Greed
got the better of them, and during the middle 1990's, Microsoft found
itself in a federal court pile-on of epic proportions; fighting
anti-trust charges concerning it having illegally used its monopoly
power to destroy other companies. The charges were all true, and one of
the most inflammatory of its predatory practices came to be known as
The acronym 'F.U.D.' referred to the dishonest practice of spreading
uncertainty, and
about competitors' products, while pretending to be an objective 3rd
party. Microsoft pioneered this despicable practice when it hired the
marketing company, Waggener Edstrom, to pretend to be advocates of its
top software rivals at various online technology forums.
half-heartedly pretended to promote the competing software at various
Internet sites and in letters to editors, but they also simultaneously
spread fear, uncertainty, and disinformation in these writings as a type
of anti-marketing against competitors. They would post back-handed
comments like, "Linux software is great, but we are still working on
eliminating the dozens of security weaknesses"
Microsoft executives
realized that fear and uncertainty are the most powerful weapons for
destroying upstart competitors. Over time, this phenomena was noticed,
because the questionable messages were traced back to the same
locations, and it was noticed that all of them were written in a very
similar manner.
Unfortunately, Microsoft's campaign of F.U.D. against
competition successfully ended the innovation of the dot-com era.
Technological progress has been stalled for over twenty years, and that
was their intent. Any new innovation is a threat to their monopoly
position (the status quo) so Microsoft's executives consider
technological progress as the company's greatest enemy.
The psychological warfare of F.U.D. is no longer just an issue of the
software industry, and it is the surest way to protect established
industry giants from superior competition. It will become apparent that
Dr. Andrew Weil is an agent of F.U.D. and disinformation regarding the
alternative therapies that he purports to espouse.
Dr. Andrew Weil's Corporate Partner: Drugstore.com

do not have much information about Dr. Weil's corporate partners, for
Dr. Weil has made none of this information public.
We became aware of
Weil's business relationship with drugstore.com only because court-filed
legal papers are public records. There is no way of knowing how many
other pharmaceutical-industry business partners Dr. Weil has.
Casewatch.com reported the following from the records of the lawsuit
of Brownstein Hyattt & Farber, P.C. on behalf of Drugstore.com in
the case of
Drugstore.com, Inc. v. Dr. Andrew Weil, and Weil Lifestyle LLC.
"Drugstore.com is suing Andrew Weil, M.D. and Weil Wellness LLC
for breach of a contract... the contact called for 'honorarium' payments
totaling $1.6 million to Weil and minimum royalty payments totaling
$12.4 million to the company from September 2003 through June 2008.
Drugstore.com began featuring Weil's advice and products in October
2003, but the suit charges that he failed to 'make commercially
reasonable efforts' to promote what was covered by the agreement. The
'Vitamin Advisor' uses an online questionnaire to promote 'personalized
products' said to be 'based on your specific health concerns'."
According to papers submitted to the court, the Advisor Program was
developed by drugstore.com, Weil, and members of his personal Science
Advisory Board. The lawsuit further noted:
"Pursuant to the Agreement, Weil Lifestyle and Weil agreed to
promote various aspects of the parties' business relationship and to
cooperate with Drugstore.com's operation and marketing of its online
stores and services. In exchange, drugstore.com agreed to make monthly
payments to Weil, Weil Lifestyle, and a foundation established by Weil
Lifestyle ('The Foundation'). Pursuant to the Agreement, Drugstore.com
pays Weil Lifestyle Monthly Sales Commissions and makes a monthly
donation to the Foundation..."
Drugstore.com has paid in excess of $3.9 million in monthly sales
commissions, donations, and quarterly true-ups (royalties). In addition
to these amounts, Drugstore.com also pays a monthly honorarium directly
to Weil.
"I don't get money from the vitamins that I make. My after tax profits go to a foundation that supports integrative medicine."
-- Andrew Weil
The Weil Foundation
We have been led to believe that Dr. Weil does not profit from his
sponsorships and his outrageously priced nutritional supplements, since
he allegedly donates all of this income into the Weil Foundation.
Weil Foundation is registered with the I.R.S. as a 501(c)3 nonprofit
charity, making it exempt from federal income taxes. The name of this
foundation is no coincidence; for all intents and purposes, Dr. Weil has
been donating money to
He has stated that he pays
taxes on his income before it is donated, but since he is required to
pay income tax, this it is hardly the hallmark of philanthropy. This has
been going on for many years, so it is likely that the high profile
doctor has some powerful friends in government.
Meanwhile, he mentions
that his proceeds go to a charity in his public appearances.
As expected, publicly available financial records for the Weil
Foundation are virtually nonexistent, which is something not found in
the case of legitimate charities.
We were able to gather some
information from Weil's own Internet site for the year of 2007. The
foundation's major benefactors for 2007 were the Arizona Center for
Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona in Tucson ($300,000),
and the University of Arizona Foundation in Tucson ($250,000).
University of Arizona is Dr. Weil's employer, so it is amazing what can
be accomplished with creative accounting. We can be certain that Dr.
Weil's job security with the University of Arizona is rock solid, and
that he never misses a promotion.
"The Weil Foundation received nothing
from Weil or his company in 2003 and 2004, according to the most recent
tax returns the foundation filed with the Internal Revenue Service.
during that period, drugstore.com was contractually obligated to pay
Weil and Weil's company some $2.5 million. Maybe the money was swallowed
up in expenses before the after tax profits were computed. Or maybe
when Weil says 'I don't get any money from the vitamins I make,' he's
not including any salary or consulting fees his company may pay him.
perhaps Weil is saving it all up to make a lump sum donation later. We
tried to find out, but Weil didn't respond to repeated requests to his
publicist, public relations firm, and foundation to talk about his
marketing deals. In any case, Weil could have been more forthcoming
about the foundation with the Today Show audience. When he said that 'my
after tax profits go to a foundation that supports integrative
medicine', he could have mentioned that the foundation's primary
beneficiary is Weil's own program at the University of Arizona."
-- Nutrition Action Health Newsletter
Dr. Weil's Back-Handed Assault On Alternative Medicine

Andrew Weil hopes to eventually force all naturopathic practitioners to hold at least 4-year degrees, and to be
Those who practice alternative health care would be forced to
become the very people that they have been trying to escape from.
would wrest control of alternative medicine into the hands of the
American Medical Association if naturopathic and holistic healers were
indeed required to be licensed by the same licensing boards.
It would
constitute Dr. Weil's greatest gift to Big Pharma and to the A.M.A..
The conflict of interest is massive, since Weil is the creator of
integrative medicine, a college medical professor teaching it, and he is
now promoting the mandatory integration of his own integrative medicine
into the medical schools, while attempting to force all alternative
practitioners to be licensed through this system.
Despite the altruistic
media image that has been constructed for Dr. Weil, it all looks a
little too self-serving, and a little too much like a plan to make
alternative medicine illegal.
Licensing means regulation, and alternatives would be soon regulated
out of existence.
Check and mate.
Licensing would mean regulating
therapies to be only those that are approved by Dr. Weil's future
licensing boards, in the same crippling manner that is already seen
throughout orthodox medicine.
Not only would alternative health care
providers live in fear of promoting "unapproved therapies" (even when
these are just herbs), but additionally, you or I could go to prison for
"practicing medicine without a license" for merely helping our
neighbors with natural remedies.
Dr. Weil was bold enough to boast about
his plan during an online video entitled,
Naturopathic Medicine.
"I think naturopathic doctors are
well trained today and trained to operate within the scope of their
practice. I also think there are natural partnerships between
naturopathic doctors and medical doctors that are useful for both, and I
see many opportunities for naturopathic doctors working in integrative
medical clinics, which I think will be one of the forms of medical
practice of the future. I think this is a natural partnership that can
be useful. Many of the measures that naturopathic doctors are trained
in, ahh, I think can lower health care cost, because the treatments are
cheaper and safer than those used in conventional medicine."
-- Dr. Weil, Natural Medicine video
Pay heed to the
"operate within the scope of practice" part, which
suggests that through licensure that alternative medicine will be
controlled like the establishment's medicine.
This would suppress
unapproved methodologies, which would be a desired aspect of the
"natural partnership" with the pharmaceutical industry. He uses some
cunning tactics to promote licensing, including the usage of
Weil does indeed, "see many opportunities for naturopathic
doctors working in integrative medical clinics", because he is the owner
of integrative medicine, and he will be the final authority for
naturopaths working in integrative medicine.
While alternative medicine
is practically always much cheaper than conventional medicine, having a
license would not lower costs. The licenses would increase the costs of
alternative practitioners, so that they would charge more to cover their
exorbitant licensing fees that would be paid to enrich Dr. Weil
further. He may not be much of a doctor, but he excels in law and
business. Beware when anyone promises to help us by taking away our
Ivory Towers

process of forcing licenses would once again ensure that only the
wealthy could practice medicine, and history does not reflect kindly on
the elite classes, like those from ivory towers who continue to dictate
what is, and what isn't, allowed to be called medicine.
Weil's licensing scheme would be a repeat of the establishment, and
more importantly, it would enable the establishment to control access to
all health related information by labeling alternative information as
'unapproved claims' and treatments as 'unapproved drugs', under the
guises of licensing and regulations that are supposedly for our benefit.
The F.D.A. has already threatened to remove cherries from the market as
an "unapproved drug", due to accurate reports of how they eliminate
arthritis pain -- so what is suggested here is actually standard
procedure for how the pharmaceutical industry protects itself from
natural alternatives.
In one discussion at his website, Weil suggests both surgery and
radioactive iodine for those who have thyroid cancer, after admitting
that it is a very slow growing cancer. This would then be followed by a
full year of birth control for women, due to the poisonous effects of
the radioactive iodine upon the ovaries.
Despite the high risk of this
therapy spreading cancer throughout the body, and in particular, causing
leukemia; he remarked that he did not know of alternatives that were as
Our staff was able to find better alternatives to radiation
with only a few hours of research, while he supposedly cannot with his
three decades of training and his Harvard education.
In fact, Dr. Weil
is unique in the alternative community for making such suggestions, and
for his appearance of blanket ignorance about standard alternative
techniques for serious (the most profitable) health conditions.
The thyroid plays a critical role in the regulation of hormones and
the metabolism. It absorbs the iodine which is found in our foods, and
uses it to produce hormones which are paramount to the function of every
cell in the human body.
Cancer is a disease for which the alternative
medical community has found cures, and it never recommends either
radiation or poisonous treatments. Almost all of the alternative
community mutually agrees that cancer can be cured through drastic
changes in diet, avoidance of tainted water (e.g. tap water), internal
food-grade hydrogen peroxide, omega-3 with sulfur proteins (The Budwig
Protocol), key vitamins (in particular F.D.A. banned B17), mega-doses of
vitamin C, detox, and herbal supplements to help speed the process;
since the root causes of cancers are internal fermentation combined with
acidosis (low pH) and nutritional deficiencies.
Instead of brutally
attacking the entire body, the holistic process is one of correcting
acidic body chemistry, so that the blood can again absorb oxygen at the
rate it was intended to. This allows the immune system and the cells to
begin functioning properly again.
Alternative therapies tend to do much
more than merely treat the symptom (tumors), and cancer cells are just a
symptom of the real problems elsewhere. Dr. Weil seems not to
understand these fundamental basics, and we cannot prove if his
ignorance stems from his educational indoctrination, or if it is part of
a manipulative charade that is intended to further marginalize
alternative medicine.
Conversely, the orthodox use of chemotherapy and radiation promoted
by Dr. Weil are incredibly damaging to the entire body, and it should be
avoided at all costs, due to the way that these therapies attack all of
the cells in the human body.
The corruption of the this system is shown
through the fact that 20-90% of oncologists surveyed would refuse their
own cancer treatments, dependent largely upon the specific type of
cancer they had. The standard therapies actually fuel the internal
fermentation process that triggered the cancers; and therefore, standard
treatments have long been documented to actually stimulate future
Dr. Weil's allopathic establishment considers having survived
for a mere 5 years as a success, and these doctors never publicly speak
about their cure-to-kill ratios, whereby the death rate is immensely
higher for their patients than for people who receive no treatments at
Their actual long-term "cure rate" is approximately 4%, even though
they try to cook the numbers by claiming that any patient who survived
for 5 years is a "success". The alternative therapies have almost the
opposite numbers, but have the drawbacks of being tremendously cheaper,
are not patentable, and they are still unregulated by the pharmaceutical
F.U.D. Allopathic Style
Dr. Weil strongly disagrees with holistic and naturopathic
Although he founded integrative medicine, he is actually
very reliant on conventional treatments for serious conditions, and
appears to support alternative approaches only in the area of nutrition,
and only for lesser conditions that do not threaten the medical
industry's cash cows.
"[Dr. Weil] cited such treatments as gene
therapy, immuno-therapy [chemically attacking and suppressing the
immune system], and anti-angiogenesis therapy, which involves blocking
the development of new blood vessels that [allegedly] feed cancer.
'These hold the promise of being much less toxic treatments that I think
may render chemotherapy obsolete, but at the moment chemotherapy is the
best that we've got for certain kinds of cancers.'"
-- CNN (Cable News Network)
Most patients would prefer cancer over deliberate mutations in their
genes, which could have horrific repercussions lasting throughout their
family tree to all of their grandchildren's grandchildren, the total
destruction of their immune systems, or the blocking of their critical
blood vessels. He actually described the above options as the "less
toxic" alternatives.
In actuality, no reasonable alternative practitioner would ever
recommend these to even his worst enemy. We wonder what this could be
other than an attempt to condemn alternative medicine with damningly
faint praise, and these unique
alternative treatments?
In the
typical M.D. manner, Weil made no mention of the real alternatives, and
he merely recited some experimental biotechnology treatments that only
effect tumors, instead of attacking the actual cancers. In the same
interview, he parroted that many natural supplements (which compete with
his own) are ineffective, yet he made no mention of the effects of his
pharmaceutical recommendations, which cause heart attacks, diabetes,
strokes, paralysis, seizures, stimulate more cancers; or how they are
statistically less effective than nutritional therapies.
Perhaps Dr. Weil did not read the most recent
U.S. Death Census, whereby adverse effects from
pharmaceuticals are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States counting only the properly prescribed
medications, and orthodox cancer treatments are the 2nd leading cause
of death; because nobody actually survives long enough to die of the
cancers anymore.
The statistics indicate that pharmaceuticals shave 30
years from the average American's life.
When comparatively combined, the
industry's own records prove that it is the top killer in the United
How many people died of vitamin B-17 therapy last year?
How many
legitimate alternative practitioners would agree with Weil, who are not
a profiting part of his integrated medicine partnership?
How many would
subject themselves or their patients to his biotechnology gene
How many of Weil's people would subject themselves or their
families to Weil's "less toxic" recommendations?
Out Of The Canola-Coated Frying Pan and Into The Benzene

Weil was one of the pioneering proponents of canola cooking oil usage.
The canola plant is the genetically modified offspring of the poisonous
rapeseed plant, whose oil is an E.P.A. registered pesticide.
The canola
plant, in fact, did not exist prior to 1978.
It was genetically
engineered since its parent, rapeseed, had been banned in the United
States for destroying people's hearts.
Upon its first appearance, Andrew wrote recipe books which emphasized
canola oil, and claimed that it was the healthiest cooking oil.
Joseph Mercola deserves credit for being one of the first people to
uncover that canola oil is more-or-less a healthy cooking oil --
until it is actually heated during cooking.
Once heated, canola oil becomes harmful to the body, and the rancid oil
emits carcinogenic fumes.
When cooked, canola oil releases
1,3Butadiene, benzene, acrolein, formaldehyde, and other related
poisonous compounds which become infused into the foods being cooked.
Mercola reported that:
"During processing, the omega-3 fatty acids of canola oil are
transformed into dangerous trans fatty acids; similar to those found in
margarine, and possibly even more dangerous. A recent study indicates
that 'heart healthy' canola oil actually produces a deficiency of
vitamin E, a vitamin required for a healthy cardiovascular system. Other
studies indicate that even lower ucic acid canola oil causes heart
lesions, particularly when the diet is low in saturated fats."
NOTE: Please
Healthy Oils actually only a couple of oils are safe when heated, and one of them, sadly, is NOT Olive Oil.
Andrew Weil's F.U.D. -- In His Own Words
"I know of no effect of alcohol on tissue repair and no reason
why you shouldn't drink alcohol (moderately, of course) after working
"I have always voiced the opinion that there should be a clear
separation between a health care professionals recommendations and the
potential to profit from those recommendations."
"Virtually every major US health organization has declared
amalgam dental fillings, as they're known, safe, but some detractors
remain unconvinced. Used to fill cavities, these dental fillings contain
a mix of mercury, silver, tin, and other metals. Because elemental
mercury and many mercury compounds can be toxic, some people worry that
the dental fillings could be harmful."
"My advice is to stick with the antibiotic treatment your son is
receiving. And what you might do -- what's better than using colloidal
silver -- is investigate electromagnetic stimulation [radiation] for bone healing, a treatment that is backed by scientific evidence."
"Most doctors are taught to regard the placebo effect as a
nuisance, but it's the meat of the medicine. Placebo responses are
responses from within, elicited by belief."
"I'm not a proponent of the raw foods diet. First of all, when
you eat everything raw, you lose much of the best flavor, texture and
appearance of food. More importantly, however, is the fact that many of
the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables are less bio-available
when you eat these foods raw than when they're cooked.
disadvantage stems from the fact that many of the natural toxins in
edible roots, seeds, stems and leaves are destroyed by cooking. Although
our bodies have natural defenses against these toxins, a raw food diet
can add to the toxic load we're already dealing with.
The latest word on
raw food diets comes from a new study which shows that vegetarians who
eat only raw foods have abnormally low bone mass, a sign that they may
be vulnerable to osteoporosis."
"Sickness is the manifestation of evil in the body."
"It's unrealistic to imagine that you can never be sick. Health
is cyclical: It breaks down; it reforms. Being sick is part of being
"Because autoimmune diseases tend to flare up in response to
emotional ups and downs, I recommend some form of mind-body treatment
hypnosis may be especially helpful (children are more easily hypnotized
than adults)."
"The distribution of calories you take in should be: 40% to 50% from carbohydrates [sugars], 30% from fat and 20% to 30% from protein."
"It is more important to eat some carbohydrates [sugars] at breakfast, because the brain needs fuel right away, and carbohydrates are the best source."
"One claim holds that distillation removes all of water's
beneficial minerals. While it's true that distillation removes minerals
as well as various contaminants from water, we don't know that the human
body can readily absorb minerals from water..."
"The underlying idea is that you can prevent disease by balancing
your body's pH... None of these claims are true. Furthermore, your body
needs absolutely no help in adjusting its pH.
Normally, the pH of blood
and most body fluids is near seven, which is close to neutral. This is
under very tight biological control because all of the chemical
reactions that maintain life depend on it. Unless you have serious
respiratory or kidney problems, body pH will remain in balance no matter
what you eat or drink."
"In general, I'm not a fan of products sold through multi-level marketing."
"The use of yage, or ayahuasca, in Amazonian Indian cultures is often
credited with giving people visions that have valid content."
"You can lower your mercury levels over time by simply not eating fish likely to contain it."
"Children with autism can also benefit from probiotics, possibly
because they decrease leakage of large molecules from the gut that can
trigger immune reactions with effects on brain function."
"It's we who determine whether drugs are destructive or whether they're beneficial. It's not any inherent property of drugs."
"Early detection is key to winning the cancer battle. Once you
reach the age of 50, the following tests should be done routinely... A
digital rectal exam at the same time the sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy or [radioactive] barium
enema is performed...
Consider taking aspirin therapy. Research
suggests that taking a daily low-dose aspirin over a period of years can
cut colon cancer risk by as much as half."
"Some Essiac promoters irresponsibly advise against chemotherapy
and other conventional treatments when using the tea. This is a reckless
and dangerous recommendation... In fact, a 2004 study at the National
Cancer Institute showed that Flo-Essence promotes the growth of mammary
tumors in rats... can have unpleasant side effects... My advise? Avoid
Dr. Andrew Weil Promotes CODEX
"I've had a lot of questions about
Codex, often based on alarmist and erroneous information being
circulated on the Internet. I'm happy to set the record straight.
the story: in 1963 the United Nations' Food and Agriculture
Organization and the World Health Organization created the Codex
Alimentarius Commission to protect the health of consumers and to ensure
fair practices in the international food trade through development of
food standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other
-- Dr. Andrew Weil
Doctor and congressional Representative, Ron Paul, relayed the
following on the Glenn Beck program (paraphrased).
Codex Alimentarius,
established in 1962 as a U.N. trade commission serves corporate greed
with no interest in health or consumer protection. The World Health
Organization says Codex Alimentarius,
"Has not made a contribution in
human health in its 42 years of existence".
Codex Alimentarius sponsors
are Big Pharma, Big Medica, Big Chema (profitable toxic chemicals used
on food and fields, including deadly pesticides banned in the U.S.), Big
Agribiz (industrial factory farms that use antibiotics, drugs, and
hormones to increase profits), and Big Biotech (creates dangerous
untested genetically modified organisms (G.M.O.'s) planned to become
legal worldwide unlabeled).
Codex Alimentarius has no actual legal
standing, but it exerts enormous influence since it is used by the World
Trade Organization to decide trade disputes. Codex-compliant countries
win automatically regardless of the merits of the case. Devastating
trade sanctions result, so the U.S. is now racing to destroy protective
laws that interfere with the implementation of Codex policies.
This is
what Codex has in store for us:
- Natural nutrients will be declared toxins that Codex will supposedly 'protect' us from
- Ban virtually all natural health options
- High-potency supplements will be illegal
- Deadly drugs are sold unopposed
- Dangerous growth stimulants (hormones) mandatory in all meat and milk (e.g. Monsanto's rBGH)
- Banned pesticides will be permitted in your food
- Untested, unlabeled, Frankenfood in your kitchen (G.M.O.'s - Genetically Modified Organisms)
- Free-radical enriched radioactive foods (i.e. "cold pasteurized")
- Weak and meaningless "Organic Farming" standards allowing dangerous drugs and chemicals in so-called "organic" foods.

the seemingly insane advice of Dr. Weil, he is becoming increasingly
popular amongst newcomers to the holistic movement, and his face has
become an advertisement for many health products.
His interest in
becoming a walking commercial, and his zealous adherence toward
promoting establishment protocols leads us to conclude that Dr. Weil is
not as well-intentioned toward alternative medicine as he portrays.
is remarkable that he is being accepted as an expert, considering his
own health. He boasts about his skin care products, while he has a
terrible complexion, extreme hair loss, and is overweight -- all signs
of severe
-- something that genuine practitioners of natural medicine rarely
There are many out there who are just like him. They would
love to monopolize supplements and competitive treatments, but Dr.
Andrew Weil appears to be the most prominent of them. Remember to always
do your own research, and buyer beware.