Thursday, September 26, 2013

Portland Oregon Imposes Conditions Homeless Can't Meet So Dogs Are Killed In Animal Friendly Portland

The practice of imposing conditions for release  that the homeless simply  can’t meet  because they have no homes:  Creating a mandatory requirement as you  have with Charlie that  a secure enclosure be built  can’t be met by homeless  persons because  they don’t own property upon which  to build a secure enclosure. It amounts to extorted surrender. I see this condition imposed over and over again.
You must come up with flexible solutions that permit companion animals to be returned to homeless persons without imposing impossible fines and conditions. Protecting public safety is indeed possible while seeking humane solutions, solutions that allow the return of animals to the homeless. Exploiting homelessness to force surrender is unacceptable.
I am asking that the county implement policy changes addressing these concerns beginning with Charlie. Repeatedly homeless persons lose their animals to an inflexible indifferent system that exploits the most vulnerable populations and their companion animals. That has to stop.  .
Gail O’Connell-Babcock, PhD
Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation/Watchdog
Telephone: 503.625.4563.

Finally  an agency induced factor that must end is  Michael Oswalds' policy  prohibiting staff from acknowledging, speaking to, giving treats, or engaging animals on Security ( and Intake). It is a senseless cruel unnecessary policy that creates a climate extraordinarily hostile to animal mental health, far worse then any "crime " committed. After destroying  an animal's mental health through deliberate isolation, lack of exercise and lack of stimulation, the animal is then declared " unadoptable"/"unsafe" and "offered" to rescue or killed. Prisoners of war have more protections.. 
This cruel and inhumane "animal care"  policy must be immediately stopped;
Finally what will Multnomah County do about this chronically low ethical bar?

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