Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why Does Portland Oregon Allow Animal Control To Jackboot Homeless & Their Animals?

To: The Multnomah County County Aniaml Services
CC: Multnomah County Commission
I understand that all that prevents the writ of review for Ozzie, going forward is Michael Holter and his mother's poverty. Michael Holter is homeless and suffers form depression. Neither he nor his mother have $500 for the writ of review to now move forward/proceed..
I will raise that money. I will also point out MCAS s rigid intransigence and prejudice towards the poor and homeless once again. Ozzie is a Level 2, a repeat offense in going after a small dog as he was exiting the vehicle. His mother asked the neighbor to hold onto his dog while she exited and he did not 
Why do you think killing for this offense, ( if  there was any injury to the other dog  at all, it was negligible ) is the only solution? That seems extraordinarily vindictive. Ironically MCAS strikes deals with dogs sponsored by organizations over far more serious greater offenses. I can illustrate that very recently. Furthermore MCAS made visiting Ozzie virtually impossible for his owners. The restrictions were a total of 15 minutes, divided into 5 minute segments, 5 minutes each since there were three persons: Michael, his sister, and mother, no treats, not allowed to get out and exercise. The restrictions border on sadism. There is no public safety reason for them at all, just cruelty. And they are commonplace at this agency. .
I wil raise the $500. And I am asking for an outside professional expert review of MCAS enforcement. This cannot continue.  The records for Ozzie are among those attached. 
Gail O'Connell-Babcock

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