Deference to all Scientists: this Research Report has been written
for all students and non-scientists to understand.
As stated by University Researchers, Government
Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7%
of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are
at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically
damaged children, when they give birth. Any genetic damage may pass
to successive generations.

a Thalidomide in the Making Who Cares?
John R Goldsmith, International / Advisor Consultant for R.F.
Communication, Epidemiology and Communications Sciences Advisor to
the World Health Organisation, Military and University Advisor,
Researcher; wrote concerning the low level exposure of microwave
irradiation (below thermal level) incident upon women:
the microwave-exposed women, 47.7% had miscarriages prior to the 7th
week of pregnancy....”(1)
The level
of irradiation incident upon the women was stated, as from, five
microwatts per centimetre squared. This level of irradiation may
seem meaningless to a non-scientist; however, when I say that it is
below what most
schoolgirls will receive in a classroom of wi-fi transmitters, from
the age of approximately five years upwards, this level becomes more
distinction here must be made and a very important one: schoolgirls
are not women. Schoolgirls are children and
children are both neurologically and physiologically different from
adults. A child’s brain tissue / bone marrow has different
electrical conductivity properties than adults due to the higher
water content (2) (this renders the Specific
Absorption Rate obsolete). Children’s
absorption of microwave radiation can be ten times higher than
Permanent low-level microwave exposure can induce chronic
nitrosative and oxidative ‘stress’ thence, damage the cellular
mitochondria (mitochondropathy). This ‘stress’ can cause
irreversible mitochondrial DNA damage (mitochondrial DNA is ten times
more susceptible to oxidative and nitrosative ‘stress’ than the
DNA in the cell nucleus). Mitochondrial DNA is irreparable due to
its low histone protein content, therefore any damage (genetic or
otherwise) can be transmitted to all successive generations through
the maternal line. (3)
Hence, we
are subjecting each successive female generation to harm. Whether
these two ten-fold increases ‘merge’ to become 57.7% or are
additional, thence equal 67.7% of those to suffer, is a moot point.
Either way we are facing the equivalent of a pandemic. I was invited
to present a lecture at Brighton University recently and one Doctor
commented on a +60% foetal birth rate damage from exposed farm
animals. All mammalian species will of course suffer the same
consequence resulting from low-level microwave irradiation. There is
very little difference ‘biologically’ between our embryonic
I invite
the Reader to peruse my diagram and / or read my simple explanation
concerning the microwaving of the ovarian follicles in schoolgirls.
you are five years old, in school and sitting with a wi-fi laptop
near your abdomen. Theoretically, your ovaries can become irradiated
until you leave school at aged 16-18 years old. When you become
pregnant, every one of your follicles (to become eggs) will have been
microwaved. Hence, you may or may not deliver a healthy child.
you become a pregnant as a student, your embryo (for its first 100
days if it is female) is producing approximately 400,000
follicles (within its ovaries) for future child-birth.
problem is that these developing follicle cells do not have the
cellular protection of mature adult cells. Consequently your
‘Grandchild’ may have had every single follicle cell irradiated
and damaged prior to its conception. Therefore when your child
becomes an adult (with its irradiated follicles) there is a greater
likelihood of its child (your Grand-daughter) suffering the ailments
previously mentioned, during conception / embryonic and foetal
development stages.
shocking truth is, not only was all of this known and documented long
before wi-fi was ever put in front of children, but the dangerous
biological effects were concealed (as they are to this day) from the
general public, in order to protect the industries profit.
Goldsmith writes:
from exposure to RF radiation in certain populations: reproductive
effects.....increased spontaneous abortion.....increased incidence of
childhood and other cancers.....” (1)
this with more than 2000 references is the Naval Medical Research
Institute in their document: ‘Bibliography of Reported Biological
Phenomena (Effects) and Clinical Manifestations Attributed to
Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation’ highlight ‘......Altered
Menstrual Activity / Altered Foetal Development.....’ (4)
The World
Health Organization’s ‘International Symposium’ Research
Agreement No. 05-609-04 ‘Biological Effects and Health Hazards of
Microwave Radiation’ emphasizes in its 350 pages: Biological
effects, health and excess mortality from artificial irradiation of
Radio Frequency Microwaves. Section 28 deals with problems
concerning Reproductive Function.
document was classed as ‘Top Secret’ and its contents withheld by
WHO and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection). (5)
Byrd, a scientist for the Naval Surface Weapon Centre of the US Navy,
in one of his 1986 lectures on the effects of low-level microwaves,
is referenced as stating:
can alter the behaviour of cells, tissue.....cause up to six times
higher foetus mortality and birth defects....’.
the Mobile Telecommunications Industry carried out a very thorough
and exhaustive scientific study on its own product. This industries
conclusion was:
7 “.....it can be concluded that
electro-magnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile
telecommunications range do
play a role in the development of
“.....Direct damage
on the DNA
as well as influences
on the DNA synthesis
and DNA repair mechanisms.....”
(Note I have underscored the relevant words here.)
DNA synthesis is essential for healthy embryonic / foetal / child’s
these few of the roughly 8000 research articles showing this
phenomena; in order to protect this industries’ profit, the United
States Defence Intelligence Agency sent a ‘document’ to ‘advanced
nations’ describing the problem and suggesting ‘how to deceive
the public’.
“.....if the more advanced nations of the West are
strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there
could be unfavourable effects on industrial output.....exposed to
microwave radiation below thermal levels experience more.....”
Industrial output is of course...profit. A very relaxed exposure
standard also makes it very difficult to take the industry to court.
(and two other documents with ref. 8) then continues to list many
physiological and neurological dangers from low-level: below thermal,
microwave irradiation inc: blood disorders, heart problems,
psychiatric symptoms and ‘menstrual disorders’.
is of course, below thermal low-level microwave irradiation.*
order to appease the US Government, some Governments adopted the
ICNIRP guideline, whereby, the only safety limit is just six-minutes
of warming. Which means: if you do not feel too warm in six
minutes, wi-fi is deemed to be safe.
consideration at all has been given to the published ‘below
thermal’ cellular interaction as listed by several countries
including the United States; which were (and are) known to cause:
cancer, severe neuropathological symptoms, foetal defects and
literally hundreds of illnesses related to cellular disorders.
following ICNIRP continue to argue that their six minute warming
effect is all that is required regarding microwave irradiation.
the Reader be wondering whether I am ‘as mad as a box of frogs’
and thinking ‘no government would ever harm its citizens for money,
especially pregnant women’; I invite the Reader to investigate
Government decisions behind: smoking, asbestos, BSE (mad-cow
disease), lead in petrol, experiments on 20,000 UK serving military
personnel serving in the 1960’s, thalidomide and of course Agent
Orange sprayed over the food crops in Vietnam. To this day, many
global birth defects stem from these Government / Government
Scientific / Military decisions: with
industrial advisors.
further evidence is required, I invite the Reader to read documents
released under the Freedom of Information Act; namely, Operations:
Pandora, MK Ultra, MK Chaos, Cointelpro, MK Delta, MK Naomi, MK
Search, Bluebird, Artichoke, Chatter, Sleeping Beauty and Grill
secret experiments carried out by the Military / Government
scientists upon unsuspecting civilians, namely: students, servicemen,
psychiatric patients, poor, children over the age of 4 years,
pregnant women, Muslims, Catholics, prisoners, handicapped, deaf,
blind, homosexuals, single women, elderly, school children, ‘marginal
groups’ and dissidents; served to increase their knowledge and
understanding of; what is commonly known as...Stealth Warfare.
on the study of illnesses caused by low-level microwave irradiation
continues to this day. One current study on cancer and neurological
harm continues until 2018 and involves women who could be pregnant.
Reports are also fed back to Governmental Scientists:
“.....students will understand the nature of
RF...bioeffects research, including human / animal
studies.....students will become familiar with current state of
knowledge on potential health effects RF, such as cancer, memory
loss, and birth defects.” (10)
RF has become a generic term (Radio Frequency) to avoid using the
term ‘microwave’. It poses less ‘safety queries’ as the word
‘radio’ itself, which used to refer to ‘long wave radio’ was
domestically non threatening.
Intransigence forces a moratorium upon the risks of exposure to
future generations. Both the Communications Industry and
Governmental studies have proved that protein synthesis (the using of
chemical structures to ‘build’ the roughly 4050 foetal and 4500
adults designated biological / neurological structures) can be
influenced by low-level microwave irradiation. This moratorium seems
to spread to organizations either relying on Governmental funding, or
for whatever reason; acquiescence. However, not all research
departments suppress the truth.
brilliant paper published by Dundee University confirms that
low-level microwave irradiation, unable to cause any heating
(thermal) effect, can affect cellular signalling processes. (11)
Main Risks to Children
biological processes described as being ‘influenced’ by low-level
microwave irradiation may not just damage foetal growth; relying on
the same biological processes are:
Blood Brain Barrier
requires 18 months to form and protects the brain from toxins. It is
known to be effected.
Myelin Sheath requires 22
years to build its 122 layers. It is responsible for all thinking,
organ and muscle processes.
Brain requires 20 years
to develop (I can assure you, cell phones do not help in its
Immune System requires 18
years to develop. Bone marrow and Bone Density are known to be
affected by low-level microwaves as are the immune systems’ white
blood cells.
Bones requires 28 years
to develop as mentioned the moisture content of children makes
both the ‘soft bones’ and marrow particularly attractive to
microwave irradiation. Bone marrow produces blood cells.
our decision makers are overlooking a child illness pandemic hitherto
unknown in our 40,000 generations of civilization; which can involve
over a half of the World’s exposed mothers / children.
Very Sad Truth
have been very honoured to address approximately 40 Royals,
Governments, Leaders of Governments, Leaders of Peoples and
Government Officials over the years.
address (text) to one King concerning the numbers of ill children was
placed on the internet. (12)
referenced over 200 cancer / leukaemia clusters in schools (up to the
time of data collection) from low level microwave transmitters in
schools. There were many different types of cancers, leukaemias,
miscarriages and breast cancers of staff. These continue, mostly
only recorded locally, to this day.
this was discussed in the English Parliament (as one of the EU
Countries involved), a Minister dismissed it and lied to the House of
Commons. My request to prove this lie was denied.
the most respected children’s charity in the World: UNICEF, joined
forces with the World’s leading authority on the effects of harm
from low-level microwave irradiation:
Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection: in
their research document ‘Health Effect on Children and Teenagers’
increase in Central Nervous System Disorders
increase in epilepsy
11% increase in mental retardation
82% increase in blood immune disorders and Risk
to Foetus. (13)
The Reader may think that the cell phone irradiation is different
from wi-fi as it has more power. In fact wi-fi can be more
harmful because of its lower power! Low power can enter the body and
cause harm. All electromagnetic waves are accumulative. If they are
below the body’s
threshold to cause activation of the necessary proteins required to
defend and repair tissues, the damage accumulates very slowly and is
undetectable like a cancer. Think of sunbathing on a cloudy day, you
can still burn your skin.
Good Guys
I have
a list of nine countries (some of whom I am working with) who are
actively, either taking wi-fi out of schools or in the legal
argument-stage of this process. I decline to publically name these
countries as my actions may interfere with their legal negotiations.
Parliamentary Assembly (Assemblee Parlimentaire) Council of Europe
Document 12608, published on 6.5.2011 in section 8.3.2. states:
all mobile phones, DECTphones or Wi-Fi or WLAN systems from
classrooms and schools.....’
legal reasons this had to be changed to a ‘wired system is
preferred’. However, the meaning is clear.
In a
translated document, Professor Yuri Grigoriev of the Russian
Committee for Non Ionizing Radiation Protection wrote on 19.6.2012
the use of wired networks and not networks using the wireless
broadband access systems, including wi-fi, in schools and educational
document dated 25.3.2013 (updated from 19.3.2013) by the Executive
Committee of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine wrote a
letter to the Los Angeles Unified School District with the following
not add to the burden of public health by installing blanket wireless
internet connections in Los Angeles Schools.’
prior to this in December 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics
(representing 60,000 Paediatricians) wrote to Congress requesting
more protection from low-level microwave irradiation for children and
pregnant women: with regard to wi-fi in schools, they write:
is an unprecedented exposure with unknown outcome on the health and
reproductive potential of a generation.’
2002, 36,000 Physicians and Scientists etc. signed the ‘Freiburg
Appeal’. Ten years hence, it has been re-launched. It
specifically warns against the use of Wi-fi and the irradiation of
children, adolescents and pregnant women. ‘Freiburg’ is an
International Doctors’ Appeal.
Reader will appreciate that collectively there are approximately
100,000 of the World’s most knowledgeable professionals
expostulating this same warning.
an aside, should the Reader be wondering why I have not mentioned
school-boys and whether they can be affected in a similar way to
girls: the answer is ‘yes’.
sperm fragmentation from wi-fi levels of irradiation, have been
published. (15) It would require many more pages to comment upon
this phenomenon and there is already a plethora of data both
available and published.
/ Modulations
During the ‘Cold War’ conflict, whilst I was
collating effects from microwave pulses / modulations caused by brain
entrainment, resonance (both cyclotronic and circadian),
rectification (at boundaries within the body) generated by
electrically induced phase transition; it came to my attention that a
list needed to be published for all microwave communication systems.
In this Open Letter, I list 1 to 40 Hz (pulses /
modulations per second) and their corresponding neurological /
physiological response.
In his most explanatorily descriptive paper, Dr. Andrew
Goldsworthy writes.....
‘.....For example, Grigoriev et. Al. (2010) showed
that 30 days exposure to unmodulated 2450 MHz microwave radiation
triggered a small but significant increase in anti-brain antibodies
in the blood of rats.....which could then result in an auto immune
attack on the brain and / or nervous system. An example of an auto
immune disease of the brain is Graves disease in which the pituitary
gland (at the base of the brain) is affected.’
NB. 2450 M Hz is the wi-fi frequency.
If you add the pulse / modulation frequency to the
above; fatigue, depression, psychiatric problems (such as anger),
loss of appetite and problems with movement can also be induced.
The Bad Guys
With gargantuan profits to be made, it is of no surprise
that the English Parliamentary system choose to follow ICNIRP and
their well established ‘Active Denial’ policy.
I became familiar with our ‘corruption’ when during
the late 60’s 70’s, I was commissioned to investigate (under
a programme initiated by Sir William Melvin (1911)) corruption within
the hierarchy of the London Metropolitan Police and the non-elected
Members of the English Parliament. Should the Reader be dismissive
of such actions, I suggest looking at any of our Sunday newspapers
over the past 45 years, including now.
When a Reverend lady wrote to a Minister, Nick Gibb MP,
concerning Wi-fi in schools, his standard reply (which I have seen
many times) stated:
“.....advice given.....by UK
Health Protection Agency..... ‘There is no consistent evidence of
health effects from RF exposures below guideline levels and no reason
why schools and others should not use Wi-fi equipment.”
letter is designed to deceive (and it is very successful). Look to
the words ‘no consistent evidence’. Let me explain please.
I were to carry out an experiment on every single person who went
through the doors of your main airport on any busy day and told them
that they must drink one pint of beer and smoke ten cigarettes a day
forever; some would react immediately, especially children. Others
would react over days, weeks, months and years (many years in some
cases). Then there would be those who would thoroughly enjoy the
experiment and probably never be ill. That does not mean that
alcohol and cigarettes are safe. It shows that people are not
homogenous (all alike / identical). In other words, the conclusion
of my experiment would be that there is: ‘no
consistent evidence’.
Ministerial letters usually say: “most of
our research” or “most
of our scientists” both of which are
equally meaningless.
they never say is: Wi-fi is safe.
will come as no surprise to the Reader to learn that I have been
refused permission to have a face-to-face meeting with my MP, Mr Mel
Stride. Hence my Member of Parliament has successfully brought the
‘shutters down’ on any access I may have had to Government. This
act by Mr Stride became a ‘feature’ in our West Country newspaper
by leading Journalist Paul James. (19)
my last attempt to contact my MP, his Secretary, Dominic just hung-up
the telephone on me.
ago, when I started to ‘advise caution’ re microwaving children /
pregnant women; the Academic Registrar of my own University (Exeter)
forbade me from ever communicating with it, ever again. A similar
message came from Dr. Jamie Harle of the Open University (Medical
Physics), who said: “Your work is too
in England, some universities and some parliamentary persons are more
afraid of governmental ‘reprisals’ than telling the truth.
Regardless of the consequences.
Womens’ Stories
Real Price of Intentional Ignorance and Greed. Those Consequences.
telephone calls a day would not be unusual for me. I even receive
calls Christmas Day / Easter Sunday. Two calls which summarize those
from women are illustrated below. Both are actual conversations.
- “.....my daughter had just died. I am holding her hand. She has just had her 11th birthday and she was number 11 to die since the transmitter for Wi-fi was put near her and others’ desk.....”
- “.....my child is one of several with cancer / birth genetic problems. These only started after the transmitter was turned on. My worries are two-fold and take every second of my life. Will my child ever marry or find a partner and be happy? What will happen when I die? I know I will die worrying. Regardless of who is to blame, it is me, the Mother who carries guilt and responsibility.....” (20)
Ask for Readers’ Help, Please.
57.7% of all of the schoolgirls with Wi-fi in their classrooms: all
day all year all through their school career, in every
country using it, in the World!
just two generations we could have more dead / sick infants than
resulted from both World Wars. And, these are not my figures, they
come from Government advisors / research.
requests for this ‘Paper’ have been received from Royalty,
Governmental Officers (outside of the UK) and people I will describe
as ‘interesting’.
shutters fall blocking every direction I try to turn, I ask: “Can
the Reader succeed in preventing this ‘Pandemic’ where I will
have two requests:
- Would a Royal or Leading Governmental Official please ask the British Prime Minister, face to face, why he told my MP, Mr Stride, that he is ‘too busy’ to see me for just one hour to discuss this issue.
- If every Reader sends just two copies of this Paper to people who may be able make a decision (preferably influential women); with mathematical progression the original 100 advanced requests will soon land on a desk of somebody who can make a difference.
I am invited to speak in countries, I invariably end up on the radio
/ TV news / documentary channels. Thence, I issue a challenge:
ask for any scientist(s) from industry / government to ‘humiliate’
me live ‘on-air’ with their expert knowledge by answering one
is the safe level of microwave irradiation for the ovarian follicles
during the first 100 days development of the embryo?”
date, not a single scientist will appear and face me.
mention this because it is a question the Reader can ask any decision
maker, school Principal / Governor etc.
any person provide the answer, the next statement is:
we will send it to a Leading Scientific Journal for independent
Peer Review.” (With your research). (21)
need not suffer if Wi-fi is withdrawn world-wide. We have telephone
lines fibre-optic cable.
argument against these options is the cost. Compared to the future
medical costs (forgetting the human cost), phone / fibre-cable shows
to be a very cheap option.
3 Flowers
TQ12 6UP
In UK -
01626 821014
00 44 1626 821014
1st 2013
(This Paper
is copyright free)
Please note I have
always worked free of charge and will represent any person in the
world without cost. PLEASE SEE
Recent Publications
Professors’ /
Doctors’ Panagopoulos, Johnasson and Carlo describe in their (June
2013 Published) Paper how man-made electromagnetic waves (as used
in the communications industry) can cause interference, hence induced
oscillations, from these polarized waves. This in turn, can induce
biological alterations and render the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)
They write:
- Man-made electromagnetic waves...they are polarized...
- ....can produce interference effect...This induced oscillation will be most intense on the free particles which carry a net electric charge...a part of its energy...is transferred to the charged / polar molecules of the medium...within biological tissue there will be additional energy absorption by the water dipoles...proteins, lipids or nucleic acids, which will also be forced to oscillate by the applied field.
- ...man-made EMF’s can produce severe biological alterations such as DNA damage without heating the biological tissue...may lead to cancer, neurodegenerative deceases, reproductive declines or even heritable mutations...conductivity varies for different tissues and different field frequencies..The relative permittivity of an adult brain is calculated to be around 40 while the corresponding value for a young child’s brain is between 60 and 80 resulting in almost double the radiation absorption and SAR...
- ...SAR offers no information at all with respect to frequency, waveform or modulation... (Ref (22))
Dr Dimitris
Panagopoulos, Dep. of Biology, University of Athens also writes in
his 2013 paper: Electromagnetic Interaction Between Environmental
Fields and Living Systems Determines Health and Well Being:
- Disturbances in the communication between individual body clocks can desynchronize the circadian system, which in turn may lead to unwellness, chronic fatigue, decreased performance, obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders, and the development of different diseases...
- ...endogenous electrical balance in living organisms cannot occur in the presence of unnatural man-made electromagnetic pollution..... GSM mobile phone radiation is found to cause DNA damage on insect reproductive cells (gametes) and adversely affect reproduction for intensities down to 1 microwatt per centimetre squared after only a few minutes exposure..... (Ref (23))
1. |
Professor John R.
Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation
Health Perspectives
6 Dec. 1997 P. 1580
2. |
Microwave News
Brains are Different
2010 P.3
3. |
Andrea Klein & Barrie
Trower |
Laptops and Their Transmitters Using Microwaves in Schools
P.3 (Undated)
4. |
Research Report
Maryland, USA
5. |
Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation
Symposium, Warsaw, Poland (1973)
US Dept of Health, Food and Drug Administration
6. |
Microwave Mind Control |
Control and the UK
4. Tim Rifat
P.83 2001
7. |
Hennies Neitzke -
Voight |
Telecommunications and Health Review of Current Scientific
2007 Section 7
8. |
US Defence Intelligence
Agency |
DST-18105-074-76 and ST-CS-01-169-72 also refer to this phenomena
9. |
Barrie Trower |
Confidential Report on the TETRA (Airwave) Communication System
for the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS)
10. |
P. Phillips, L.Brown, B.
Thornton |
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights
No. 11 Page 40
State University
a study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights
Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons
Censored: Media Freedom Foundation
11. |
J. Simon C. Arthur |
Aclivation by Radio Waves
Protein Phosphoryiation Unit
of Life Sciences
of Dundee
by Journal of Biochemistry (405) e5 e6 2007
12. |
Barrie Trower |
Trower SA.pdf
13. |
Fields from Mobile Phones: Health Effects on Children and
National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
14. |
on internet) as titled and dated in text
15. |
C. Avendano, A. Mata, C.A
Sanchez Sarmienta, G. Doncel |
of Laptop Computers Connected to Internet Through Wi-fi Decreases
Human Sperm Motility and Increases Sperm Fragmentation
Medicina Reproductiva, Cordoba, Argentina
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Eastern Virginia Medical School,
Norfolk, Virginia (2012)
16. |
Barrie Trower |
Communications Industry is in the Position Where it is Sprialling
out of any Person’s Ability to Control it
Open Letter (undated)
17. |
Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy |
Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields Problems and
2012 P.14
18. |
Gallimore, Director of Children’s Services
Letter. Nick Gibb MP
of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
August 2011
19. |
Paul James |
I’m Stopped From Seeing my MP
Devon Advertiser
3.5.13 P.
20. |
am with holding their private telephone numbers for privacy
21. |
Publications Nature or Scientific American
Varick Street, 9th
Floor, New York, NY 10013-1917, USA
22. |
J. Panagopoulos,
Johansson &
L. Carlo
of Specific Absorption Rate as a Domestic Quantity for
Electromagnetic Fields Bioeffects
Pages i) 1 ii) 2 iii) 4 iv) 6
ONE June 2013 Vol 8 Issue 6 e62663
23. |
J. Panagopoulos
of Athens
Interaction Between Environmental Fields and Living Systems
Determines Health and Well-Being
Fields: Principles Biophysical Effects
M.H Kwang and S.O Yoon
Nova Sciences Publishers, Inc
i) 20 ii) 35
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