Dedicated to the Rescue, Rehabilitation, Rehoming of Rottweilers. We are a Holistic Non Profit Rescue Sanctuary in Washington state. Welcome to our Blog, a safe, gentle place to share with, learn from and sound off on topics of interest to you and your animals, we are all related and come in a variety of shapes & sizes. Subjects interests are Animal Rights, herbs, respect of the natural world, indigenous populations and the truth. Let's see where our journey will lead us.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Portland Shelter Animals Misevaluated
To: Michael Oswald
John Rowton
Multnomah County Commission
CC: Kim Peoples
CC: David Blankfeld, County Counsel
CC: Robert Babcock, Attorney for James Herbold
Mr. Rowton nor Mr. Oswald have responded to or acknowledged Mr
Herbold's request for humane options for Mozart. Nor have they
acknowledged our identified rehabilitation plans for Mozart after
WAMAL's failed due diligence in its poor placement ( a 10 day
thoughtless adoption) of Mozart.
Instead on page
18 of the current records ( attached) we see WAMAL's efforts to bury
their mistakes, efforts seconded by MCAS kennel care technician
Stephanie Collingsworth's "evaluation" and MCAS management.
First, Ms, Collingsworth is not a behaviorist and is not qualifed to make the judgments she has made.
WAMAL is contested as the owner and their behavior: conflicting
reports, false and highly misleading statements and disingenousness
would give any one pause.
I will address each of
the misleading comments WAMAL provides for requesting and agreeing with
euthanasia of a dog they hardly knew. Let me remind you that their
evaluation of Mozart involved, according to Mr. Herbold, a 45 minute
"viewing" of him from a distance ( as one might view a herd of wild
elephants or water buffalo).
- " Bite to new owner who was an experienced Malamute owner with three previous Malamutes over the past years. New owners were in their 50's and 60's with no kids or other pets":.Owning three Malamutes over the years hardly qualifies one to own another Malamute. That is not the standard. Each dog is an individual. What WAMAL did not report was that the female owner was partially deaf -- meaning she could not hear growls or perceive normal warning signs of animal discomfort. In the WAMAL ads ( I will forward them to you) , it clearly notes Mozart, like many malamutes and other similarly assertive breeds, does not like being patted on the head ( commonplace) and is food protective ( correctable; not a death sentence).
- The new owners ignored all cautionary statements. The bite incident occurred on the second pat to the head by the partially deaf female partner who ignored explicit cautions noted even in the adoption advertisement. One cannot cure failure to abide by instructions. It was her failing as an owner. The owner should be smarter than the dog. The owner was bitten on the hand on the second pat. Surprisingly there is no picture of the bite at all. Why not?
- "Assessment at the shelter by Luana who is a long time- volunteer for CAMEO who is the Oregon affiliate for WAMAl" How is that a qualification: friends of friends? No one with any credentials offers a :"shelter" evaluation by a rescue as a qualification.Luana has no credentials. Mozart has been confined to small space without exercise for a month now.No fair evaluation is possible.
- " Assessment at the shelter by Stephanie Collingsworth, CPDT-KA Behavior and Training" Ms. Collinsworth is a kennel care technician. CPDT-KA is a certificate in dog training in private settings. It does not qualify one to conduct shelter assessments.
- "Case review by Christopher Pachel,DVM, DACVB, Animal Behavior Clinic, Animal Behavior Clinic 809 SE Powell Blvd, Porland, Oregon,97202." What records did Dr. Pachel review? Did he interview James Herbold, a normal expectation? Was he informed of a rehabilitation rescue plan? I have requested the report.
- "New conversations with James outlined below that says ( sic) had several previous human bites that were not disclosed ot WAMAL during our home assessment [the 45 minute vigil] or on his signed Owner Listing document."' Provide the documentation: quarantine notices, dates, persons, times. Mr. Herbold vehemently denies the allegation.
WAMAL indicates" As you know, we have been contacted by other groups interested in Mozart..." Indeed
several qualified groups interested in helping Mozart have contacted
WAMAL including one of WAMAL's own partners. WAMAL has not responded or,
at best, responded dismissively as in the case of Thunder ridge Rescue,
an MCAS long term qualified rehabilitation rescue partner stating
without ever speaking to the rescue director that Thunder ridge "didn't
know malamutes" but then never called the rescue. Thunder ridge knows
dogs, all breeds.
WAMAL will have to provide
their evidence of the reported "horrible conditions" at Songdog. That
is a patently false statement that could easily be considered libelous
and prosecutable Songdog is a reputable 501(C)3 with multiple
recommendations from shelters and rescues. Most dogs are in foster care.
What sort of "evidence" does Ms. Bailey think having 67 dogs listed on
Petfinders means?
It certainly is not evidence that the dogs are
overcrowded. One documented incident several years ago involved a
caretaker who was successfully criminally prosecuted by the rescue, the
responsible action. Ms. Bailey is no research or fact finding expert.
That is slander,easily construed as an aggressive efforr to interfere
with and damage a rescue's work. When I asked for documentation Ms.
Bailey provided none, an indictment of WAMAL.
case will not be resolved behind MCAS's and WAMAL's closed doors. It is
an appalling example of rescue malfeasance and government collusion .
Gail O'Connell-Babcock, PhD
Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation/Watchdog
Sherwood OR 97140
Telephone: 503.625.4563
Brief background
owner James Byrd Herbold of Byrd Guitars ( He has a guitar website;so
does Kelly Herbold his ex wife, ceramics, sells Mozart tiles for $18
each) was in an accident and became crippled and went on disablity. His
life changed in a terrible way. He asked Washington Malamute Rescue
League to help find Mozart a new home. They did a careless adoption and
although the new owners were told not to pat him on the head, the
partially deaf partner ignored the caution and the second time she did
Mozart bit her hand. It was not a catastrophic bite; a few stitches,
back to work that day. No picture of the bite .
10 day owner signed Mozart over to be killed on November 29. Then he
said it was up to WAMAL. WAMAL I don't think wanted him to leave alive
.They knew but never contacted MCAS until we contacted them 2 days
before the MCAS scheduled euthanasia date.We put together a rescue
proposal; the long term owner Herbold wants a humane option: that he to
go to rescue ; he does not want him to be killed, he loves his dog and
feels betrayed by WAMAL. Mozart still remains in limbo. I have no idea
where MCAS stands and what games or cards they are playing but ownership
is legally disputed.
Mozart is on U Tube too. Vibrant videos . Just google Mozart the malamute Kirkland WA and multiple videos come up.
adoption fee was $300. No screening (no home visit with this dog etc;
WAMAL just came and stood 12 feet away and watched Mozart according
to owner as the eval). That is an irresponsible rescue not an
irresponsible dog. There was no due diligence.
Gail O'Connell- Babcock, PhD
Watchdog/Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation
Telephone 503.625.4563
Is Monsanto Using 4-H to Brainwash Your Children About GMOs?
By Dr. Mercola
Monsanto is boasting its partnership with 4-H programs by giving a shout-out to “National 4-H Week.”1
This is not the first time Monsanto has used its clever propaganda to influence our nation’s youth. The Council for Biotechnology Information widely circulated a Biotechnology Basics Activity Book for kids, a disturbing and brightly colored obvious intent to 'educate' the children.
4-H is the country’s largest youth organization with more than 6 million members in 80 countries around the world, involving children from elementary school age through high school.
The organization is extremely influential to children, impacting their intellectual and emotional development through their numerous programs and clubs. Unfortunately, Monsanto is using its partnership with 4-H as a vehicle to worm its way into your child’s mind in order to influence her developing beliefs and values.
Children are like little sponges, soaking up everything they see and hear, which makes them particularly vulnerable to being sucked in by propaganda.
And the effects could be life-long—at least they’re intended to be. Indeed you’d be hard-pressed to convince an adult, who from childhood was taught the merits of genetically engineered foods, that there’s anything wrong with such alterations of the food supply.
If your child is involved in 4-H, it would be wise to monitor the messages she’s getting, given this organization’s corporate sponsors and alliances.
4-H is really the perfect vehicle for Big Ag to manipulate an entire generation, using tactics not that different from the youth indoctrination strategies employed by political extremists in order to gain children’s trust and then “groom” them however they wish.
Think about it—what better way to control the future of our food system than to brainwash 6.8 million impressionable youth into believing that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are safe and beneficial, if not the answer to all the problems of the world?2
4-H Volunteers are Being Trained by Monsanto
The 4-H Youth Development Organization was originally set up by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to train the rural youth of America in hands-on skills like agriculture and raising animals, including the promotion of responsible animal husbandry and the cultivation of food resources in a responsible, ethical way.
The 4-H emblem, a four-leaf clover, is supposed to symbolize four actions (head, hands, heart, and health) as stated in their pledge:
“I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”However, as noble as their original vision is, it remains vulnerable to the influences of its funders. Just as the USDA and other government agencies have a carefully crafted and well established revolving door arrangement with industry, 4-H is increasingly in the grips of the corporations that fund it—specifically, the agricultural, biotech, and junk food industries.
According to its 2012 Annual Report,3 4-H’s funding comes from a long list of donors that include Monsanto, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Cargill, DuPont, United Soybean Board, Coca-Cola, and Pfizer. It doesn’t take much imagination to predict what sort of agenda 4-H would need to promote to keep its donors happy.
Pro-GMO propaganda would be easy to weave into 4-H’s program since they already occupy the role of teaching children the art of farming, and in their position of authority, children would never question it. Monsanto is now also training tens of thousands of 4-H volunteers, according to an article in 4-Traders:
“In 2007, Monsanto expanded its 4-H volunteerism support by funding state and regional development. More than 52,600 volunteers have attended Monsanto-supported forums and training events in 50 states, three US territories and four Extension regional forums.”
Monsanto Hijacks Government, Education and Science
Corporations like Monsanto are employing increasingly underhanded strategies to spread their self-serving propaganda across broader segments of society. Here are three prime examples:
Of course, if you are a large corporation trying to control the food supply, the younger you Consider the “Biotechnology Basics Activity Book” for kids, circulated by CBI (Council for Biotechnology Information).4 Its colorful pages and friendly cartoon characters spew outright lies about the “benefits” of genetic engineering for health, environment, world hunger and the future of farming.
- Hijacking Government Regulators: Conflicts of interest are rampant in government agencies, which have a revolving door with US federal regulatory agencies like the USDA, FDA, and EPA.
- Hijacking Higher Education: An ever-increasing percentage of funding for research at land grant universities now comes from private corporations, giving big companies a stronger foothold than ever in higher education. Corporations wield power over educational institutions by giving college leaders positions on their corporate boards, and by hiring scientists as paid consultants. As a result, academic freedom has gone out the window, conflicts of interest are rampant, and bias eclipses objectivity.
- Hijacking the Media: Organizations such as Science Media Centre and American Council on Science and Health feature scientific “experts” that are anything but independent, and have undisclosed and far-reaching affiliations with the biotech industry.
Monsanto is one of eight biotech companies behind the release of this 16-page children’s activity book, demonstrating just how low it will stoop. CBI claims to promote science-based information but is really just a shill for the biotech industry, for the purpose of advancing the pro-GMO agenda. Brainwashing children is a new low, even for Monsanto. They’re not satisfied with just poisoning our children’s bodies—now they’re trying to poison their minds as well. And history is quite clear about how easy it is to poison the minds of the young.
Hijacking the Minds of Our Youth
It is difficult to ignore the parallels when looking at how 4-H, the largest American youth organization, is being hijacked by big biotech corporations to fulfill an agenda—the worldwide takeover by GMOs. But when you consider that Monsanto has no problem with poisoning our children, destroying farmers, polluting oceans, and ruining the earth’s topsoil, it seems there is no limit to their avarice.
If the Nazi analogy seems far-fetched, consider that the German people would have felt the same way before they realized what was happening to them. These manipulations can be masterful and insidious. The best way to protect your child from corporate brainwashing is with YOUR watchful eye.
If corporations like Monsanto are successful in hijacking the minds of our youth, they will essentially be in control the decisions and behavior of the next generation—and there is nothing to stop them until a great deal of damage is done to you, your children and grandchildren, and our planet. This is why it is so critical for you to be involved in your children’s activities and take an active role in their education.
Do not fall into the trap of assuming that, just because they are involved with a “reputable” organization like 4-H, that they are getting unbiased and truthful information.
Vote with Your Pocketbook, Every Day
The food companies on the left of this graphic spent tens of millions of dollars in the last two labeling campaigns—in California and Washington State - to prevent you from knowing what’s in your food. You can even the score by switching to the brands on the right; all of whom stood behind the I-522 Right to Know campaign. Voting with your pocketbook, at every meal, matters. It makes a huge difference.
I encourage you to continue educating yourself about genetically engineered foods, and to share what you’ve learned with family and friends. Remember, unless a food is certified organic, you can assume it contains GMO ingredients if it contains sugar from sugar beets, soy, or corn, or any of their derivatives.
If you buy processed food, opt for products bearing the USDA 100% Organic label, as certified organics do not permit GMO’s. You can also print out and use the Non-GMO Shopping Guide, created by the Institute for Responsible Technology. Share it with your friends and family, and post it to your social networks.
Alternatively, download their free iPhone application, available in the iTunes store. You can find it by searching for ShopNoGMO in the applications. For more in-depth information, I highly recommend reading the following two books, authored by Jeffrey Smith, the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology:
For timely updates, join the Non-GMO Project on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
- Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating
- Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods.
Please, do your homework. Together, we have the power to stop the biotech industry from destroying our food supply, the future of our children, and the earth as a whole.
All we need is about five percent of American shoppers to simply stop buying genetically engineered foods, and the food industry would have to reconsider their source of ingredients—regardless of whether the products bear an actual GMO label or not.
industrial food,
real food,
Vote w your $$$
Monday, December 30, 2013
Portland Or Continues To Allow Seizure of Animals Belonging to Homeless
To: Kim Peoples
Marisa Madrigal, County Chair
The Multnomah County Commission
Portland City Council
CC: Michael Oswald
CC: Robert Babcock
Regarding NOI 85103 to David Jacobs, homeless, failure to comply Level 2 for his Belgian Shepherd, Striker:
"Upon a guilty or default conviction the director shall suspend ownership of the dog Striker
Oswald will not permit information about available pro bono legal help
and other resources to be conveyed by county employees to homeless
parties. With no fixed address permitting correspondence and often no
telephone, contact becomes extraordinarily difficult. Yet they are the
citizens in greatest need. Previous directors did provide that
information. Mr. Oswald's recent alleged interest in our pro bono legal
services came as a surprise as our services are widely known especially
at MCAS. It is why we get public records. Attorney Robert. Babcock
represents citizens at MCAS hearings pro bono. We have been providing
pro bono services from legal to training help to dog owners since 1995.
Robert Babcock was recognized by the Oregon bar a few years ago for his
pro bono work. Does that affirmation help?
The agency's
alleged rationalization for not providing the contact information for
our services is that then MCAS would have to provide the names of all
trainers and attorneys throughout the local area. There is no possible
thoughtful response to that false allegation.
Jacobs who is homeless and notes sometimes he has mental health
difficulties (making it hard for him) has called me on a cell phone
belonging to another homeless person, a person who unfortunately conveys
messages erratically. He asked for legal help dealing with his dog's
impoundment, his frustrations with MCAS non-responsiveness and their
unilateral seizure of Striker. The county has one position: theirs.
do not help. He said he was not out of compliance with MCAS
requirements when his dog was seized and that MCAS just took his dog and
won't give him back; that he has no ticket but paid the requested $125
and no one will tell him when a hearing is going to be. He has gone
outto MCAS multiple times. All he is told is wait for a court date but
none is provided ( Most of the legal/enforcement staff is on vacation
this month according to agency voice mail/e-mails)
Mr Jacobs hasn't paid the $125, I will pay it out of pocket. And then
we will discuss MCAS refusal to excuse/void unaffordable impoundment and
hearing fees for the homeless as well as others with limited restricted
incomes. As a unilateral competitive tactic MCAS effectively denies the
homeless due process rights that should be afforded to all Multnomah
County citizens. The right to a hearing should not be limited
by economics/income. It is shameful that this county purposely denies
due process rights to tactical immoral advantage. That must change.
Babcock will help Mr. Jacobs (He will represent him; Mr. Jacobs asked
for help) if the concerns about Striker cannot be resolved before the
undated hearing. I will find a way to reach him and confirm that the
requested help is granted.
MCAS long
extensive documented history of bullying, threats, fines, abuse of
authority and power, and extorted surrender must stop I have the
documents and cases. Communities, far less progressive then the metro
area, engage in education, prevention, owner diversion classes and
mediation. This county abuses the poor, minorities and the homeless and
the mentally ill. That is the crime. There are other problem
solving avenues beyond seizing and killing companion animals of the
vulnerable, and taking advantage of their powerlessness..
It is time to change now.
Gail O'Connell-Babcock, PhD
Watchdog/Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation
16004 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road # 508
Sherwood OR, 97140
Telephone: 503.625.4563.
Animal cruelty,
animal safety,
animals care,
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Build Your Own Secure & Econimcal Fodder System

Full fodder system in my living room.

Goats enjoying the fodder.
The recent droughts in the midwest have meant hard times for many livestock owners. Areas without irrigation saw parched earth without a scrap of green anywhere.
Corn withered and died in the field. Hay that was supposed to be stored for the winter had already been fed and what was left was priced sky-high. Many homesteaders had to sell animals for lack of a way to feed them.
I was determined to keep all the animals necessary for my little homestead, so I began to search for a way to provide for them on my tiny plot of land. While looking for types of fodder that could be grown in a small area, yet still provide a lot of feed,
I stumbled upon the concept of hydroponic grain fodder. Simply put, hydroponic grain fodder allows you to store green grass in the form of whole grain year-round, regardless of weather conditions.
This method of feeding became quite popular in Australia after several severe droughts.
One thing my search did not turn up was a small, inexpensive system that would work for me. The climate-controlled systems were well over $10,000 and even the smallest one I could find was more than $3,500 and was far too big for my needs. So I set about building my own system. I had a few parameters that needed to be met:
1. The system had to be able to sit on the carpet in my tiny living room without ruining it. Sprouting grain requires stable temperatures between 65° and 80° F, which just happens to be comfortable for me too. Since I'm already heating and cooling my living area, it seemed very economical to incorporate my fodder into that space.
2. The system had to be easy to use and not too time-consuming. While I love all my critters and will spend a reasonable amount of time caring for them, I do have a life.
3. The system had to be easy to assemble, disassemble, and store.
4. The system had to be economical.
Building the fodder system

Full fodder system in my living room.
My first prototype was quickly redesigned with level shelves after I discovered that tipping the shelves so the water would flow from the front of the trays caused too much splashing. The redesign cut down on the splashing, but required an adjustment to the drainage holes in the trays. I also reduced the distance between shelves and changed the configuration of the holes on the water supply line. Finally, I had a system that worked to my satisfaction.
Using the fodder system
I chose whole oats for my first sprouting experiment. Barley is the industry standard, but it's hard to come by in Missouri and I had the oats on hand. Let's just say my results weren't ideal. I soaked the oats overnight (I've since learned that is too long) and poured the drained grain into the tray and set the timer to water the trays for 30 minutes every two hours. After four days I had very slimy water and hardly any sprouts. I let it go the entire six-day cycle, filling each tray, and then poured the whole smelly mess under the oak tree on the sixth day. I now have a lovely stand of oat grass under that tree.

After six days of this routine, I had a beautiful 12-pound mat of wheat grass. My four hens quickly lost all dignity in the rush to gobble it up, roots and all. Twelve pounds of fodder is far too much for my tiny flock and since I have not finished the accommodations for my meat rabbits and Kinder goats yet, most of the mat is fed to an old rescue horse that belongs to a friend of mine. It was quite amazing to see the difference in his coat and condition from just a few weeks of feeding him the fodder.
I've found I need to change the water in the tote every three days or so and I adjusted the timer to run for 15 minutes every two hours so the grain doesn't start to sour. I spend less than 10 minutes on my fodder-sprouting activities, and as a bonus, I have a lovely green water feature in my living room. I purchase wheat from my local feed store at $10.60 for a 50-pound bag. Each tray takes about two pounds of grain and provides me with 12 to 15 pounds of finished fodder.
This gives me 25 days of feed from one bag of wheat and my fodder costs less than 43¢ a tray. If I were feeding dry grain to all my animals, I would need two bags of sweet feed for the goats at $14.75 a bag, ¼ bag of sweet feed for my rabbits, and ¼ bag of layer pellets for my hens at $15.35 per bag. This gives me a savings of $26.41 in a 25-day period or about $317 in a year.
How to feed fodder
• The suggested feeding rate for fodder is 1% to 3% of bodyweight depending on the condition of the animal. In a real-world situation, this would mean a 1,000-pound horse that is not working should get 10 pounds of fodder per day along with poor pasture or hay. Smaller animals eat much less, of course. A 75-pound heavily-milking Kinder doe needs just under 2½ pounds of fodder per day while ¼ pound each is plenty for chickens and rabbits.• Sprouted fodder is 80% digestible as compared to about 30% digestibility for dry grain.
• Sprouting the grain increases protein, vitamin A, and enzyme content.
• Ruminants such as cattle, goats, sheep, and llamas need more roughage than fodder can give them. Some sort of hay or pasture must be available; however, it can be very poor quality when coupled with fodder. While not actually ruminants, horses and rabbits should also be offered some hay.
• While the chickens didn't hesitate to gobble the fodder, other animals such as goats, cows, and horses may take a little time to eat the fodder. It has a different taste and "mouth-feel" than their regular feed and they need to get used to it. A drizzle of molasses for the first few days will usually get them to eat it eagerly.
I look forward to shiny feathers and golden egg yolks from my chickens all winter long and healthy and productive goats and rabbits this spring. I also feel a real sense of satisfaction in knowing that the 15 bags of wheat stored in my crawlspace is enough for an entire year of fodder.In uncertain times, livestock can provide meat, milk, eggs, and work power for the homesteader. They are self-repairing and self-replicating, but they must be fed. Adding sprouted fodder to your feeding regimen can help control feed costs, provide great nutrition year round, and allow you to store a lot in a small space.
The author now sells ready-made versions of these
fodder systems, along with plans for the do-it-yourselfers. For more
information, go to
Fukushima Far Worse Than Chernobyl

Photo: EPA
Three years on, the general public
is still nervous about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
disaster of March 2011. Heavy rain has caused more contaminated water
leaks over the protection dike recently.
The Japanese are increasingly
distrustful of atomic scientists' claims that the contaminated water has
failed to make it to the ocean. Meanwhile, The Cape Cod Times US newspapers reports that the Fukushima toxic waste is reaching the US West Coast, while 70 crewmembers of the US Ronald Reagan
aircraft-carrier, involved in the relief operation in the wake of the
disaster, are filing a lawsuit against the TEPCO Fukushima operator
company, claiming the Japanese company had failed to warn them of all
the risks that they were running during the operation.
USS Ronald Reaganwas
riding athwart in the radioactive discharge plume 10 miles away from
the crippled Fukushima plant. The crew desalinated seawater to use it in
cooking, with some crewmembers developing cancerous diseases and/or
becoming blind as a result.
contamination of the ocean within the 10-mile zone of the nuclear power
plant is due to the fact that some of the reactor nuclear decay
products made it to the ocean, rather than to the air, as was the case
in Chernobyl in 1986. Currents take harmful agents to great distances,
so the seafood and fish that are caught in the contaminated currents
even in other parts of the world may still prove a health hazard, says
the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Maxim Shingarkin.
of the World Ocean currents, the seafood that's caught off the US
Pacific coast is more likely to contain radionuclides than the seafood
in the Sea of Okhotsk, which is by far closer to Japan. It is these
marine products that may find their way to the tables of different
countries' residents that pose the gravest danger," he said.
fish may have been caught and delivered anywhere. From now on one
should bear in mind that it's impossible to check the entire fish catch
for radiation. This is what the co-chairman of the Eco-Protection
international environmental group, Vladimir Slivyak, says about the situation in a comment.
has been considering setting limits on catching marine products and
fish in the Far East. But no restrictions have officially been imposed
thus far, to the best of my knowledge. But some moves may eventually be
made," he said.
regards atmospheric contamination, the crippled Fukushima plant
radionuclides are known to have reached California and Mexico eight days
after the disaster. Russia was unaffected by the propagation of
radiation, says Maxim Shingarkin.
radioactive discharges to the atmosphere had failed to focus on either
the Sea of Okhotsk, or Sakhalin Island, or the Far East, or the Kuril
Islands. Besides, radiation transfer through the air has so far posed
little or no danger. But let's wait and see, for not all fuel has been
removed from the damaged nuclear reactors yet. We can therefore expect
atmospheric radiation releases as a result of the heating up of
reactors," he said.
took years in the wake of the Chernobyl accident to draw more accurate
conclusions about the scale of radioactive contamination. The situation
around Fukushima seems to be pretty much the same, says Vladimir
Slivyak, and elaborates.
are likely to learn about the detailed consequences of the Fukushima
nuclear disaster in a matter of 10 to 15 years. It is clear that a great
deal of fisheries, water grass areas and actually anything in the ocean
has been contaminated. Fukushima radiation is understandably spreading
across the world. It is obvious that large areas have been contaminated
in Japan. But it will take years of research to get a more detailed
picture of the Fukushima disaster consequences," he said.
tests in California found that the blue-fin tuna caught in coastal
waters were contaminated, according to the
portal. The contaminated water has most likely reached the area, since
radioactive iodine levels have grown more than 200 times.
The level of
caesium-137 has also grown along the entire length of the US West Coast,
the radioactive caesium was found in local berries and mushrooms.
Meanwhile, local residents have reported more frequent bird deaths
recently. Radionuclides have made it even to the Alaskan coast, causing a
decline in the sockeye populations there. Some experts claim we are yet
to see more consequences of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant
Fish health,
radiation sickness,
sea radiation
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Multnomah County's (Portland, Or) idiotic counter productive animal control policies
To: Kim Peoples
The Multnomah County Commission
Portland City Council
it has been brought to your attention ( the correspondence and
documentation in the following August e-mail is only one of many) that
Multnomah County's regressive,ineffective cruel animal control agency
preys upon the public, issuing threats, fines and excessive penalties
often accompanied by the seizure, suspension of ownership and
the killing of companion animals for correctable often quite minor
offenses.The homeless are often charged as in a recent case $1500 in
fines and effectively denied legal representation by being denied
information that pro bono legal services are available. Minorities are
accused of faking their ignorance of English. Multnomah County sponsors
government animal abuse because of the laziness and indifference of
Multnomah County government when it pertains to animals. Multnomah
County government protects the comfort of long term employees not
public service
Attached above is another set of
tickets: " we are forcing surrender of your dog" ( almost always for
correctable minor offenses); "one more time and we will force the
surrender of your dog." virtually always meaning killing. Never once
does MCAS work with the public to solve problems.They have no owner
diversion programs; offer no prevention and education; and exist in a
culture that quite commonly operates above or outside the law, relying
exclusively upon primitive threats, excessive fines, and punishments
that solve nothing and only inflict alienation and pain. That is what
bullies do, govenrment sponsored. They are always on vacation and
absent/ impossible to reach: "Telephone hours are not currently ( or
ever) available.". Sometimes the entire upper management is out at the
same time. .
The fact that Multnomah County has
not responded to or addressed these problems (always in meetings; deaf
to public service) is the final insult to the citizens of this
What does it take to for this government to work?
What is wrong with Multnomah County's representatives?
what does it take to get new government officials who care and act upon
compassion, decency and common sense and a real commitment to public
We need those officials now.
Gail O'Connell-Babcock, Ph.D.
Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation/Watchdog
16004 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road, # 508
Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation/Watchdog
16004 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road, # 508
Sherwood OR 97140
Telephone: 503.625.4563
Sent: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 2:39 pm
Subject: Multnomah County's idiotic counter productive animal control policies: failing the community
Subject: Multnomah County's idiotic counter productive animal control policies: failing the community
To: Michael Oswald
Kim Peoples, Department of Community Services
Officer Charles Poetz
Jeff Cogen, County Chair
Multnomah County Commission
Portland City Council
CC: Robert Babcock
Multnomah County idiotic counter productive enforcement practices continue to fail animals and the community
find examples of the worlds worst enforcement policies practiced daily
by Multnomah county animal control officers whose only tools
(“corrective” actions) are escalating threats, punishment, fines and
extorted consent. It takes no training or education to engage in
threats. Tantrum tickets (next time I’ll get you” a favorite of a number
of officers and the agency as a whole) don’t solve problems, they
create them. Why fund such primitive appalling behavior?
you threaten citizens over incidents instead of helping find resources
to solve problems you are a very high cost pointless item in the county
budget. If recidivism occurs it is because you failed
in your “corrective” actions to find a genuine solution. I am going to
post the best “blah, blah I am going to get you next time” tickets every
week. For an explanation of what is wrong with MCAS enforcement along
with “corrective” solutions read the essay posted below.
For today the litany of threats by Officer Cherry (see attachment) is the ticket of the week:
new dog bite incidents will result in a suspension of ownership
request. Quarantine will be required to take place at the shelter and
Roscoe will be kept at the shelter pending the appeal hearing decision
or a default finding.”
presumably Roscoe will read about the fates of errant dogs while in
solitary confinement “Security” (allowed 15 minute visits and a visit
from the priest). Intelligent communities have dog owner diversion
programs, education and mediation. We are stuck with regressive bullying
and an “unhealthy/untreatable” system that works for no one: man or
Gail O’Connell-Babcock
Telephone: 503.625.4563
Animal cruelty,
animals care,
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Teach The LEAVE IT Command

There are many things that your dog might want to have in his mouth that aren't good for him. Something gross he finds on the street or in your back yard, something that could be toxic to him such as toxic, radioactive fish from the Pacific....or he may just be teasing one of your other dogs with his favorite toy, or have something dangerous like a small nail or screw.
Here is a dependable way to teach him to leave it, whatever command you select stick with it to keep him from being confused.
Have fun!
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Endless Lies Regarding Climate
By Alan Caruba
I am on the Friends of the Earth (FOE) email list and receive a steady stream of theirs and the Sierra Club’s lies about the environment. A recent FOE mailing stating that “Devastation from climate change has become all too frequent.”This is simply an outright lie. Inherent in natural events such as hurricanes and typhoons, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, droughts, and forest fires is the damage they cause, but FOE asserted that “People in vulnerable communities are already struggling with dirty air, unsafe housing and increased cancer rates. So when extreme weather hits, its impacts are even more devastating.”
All communities, from small towns to major cities are by definition “vulnerable”, but the air has undergone significant clean-up over the years so this is not a common problem anywhere. As for cancer rates, they too have been in decline thanks to advances in medical care. It is doubtful that most Americans live in allegedly unsafe housing these days. Houses on both coastlines are vulnerable to ocean storms. Houses inland are vulnerable to floods and fires. There is nothing inherently “environmental” about this. It’s about location.
All this is little more than blatant scare mongering and FOE was calling on its members and others who received its email to “Call on President Obama to ensure that all Americans are protected from climate disasters.”
No President has any control over weather events. To FOE, however, this is a call for “critical environmental justice.”
There is no such thing as “environmental justice.” It is an invention of environmental groups that are intent on convincing people that whatever they do or fail to do somehow has an impact on the weather.
Indeed, the entire global warming hoax, now called climate change, was based on the lie that humans were responsible for producing huge amounts of carbon dioxide via industry, driving, or making some toast for breakfast. The environmental enemy was and is the use of energy, but it is energy that has so vastly improved and protected everyone’s life.
In a recent article, Dr. Craig Idso, the founder and former president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, a coeditor of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, and James M. Taylor, a senior fellow of The Heartland Institute and the managing editor of Environmental & Climate News, a monthly publication, examined how “Global Warming Alarmism Denies Sound Science.”
They took note of the way the Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change moved away from its earlier predictions and assertions. “The IPCC report contradicts claims that global warming is causing more extreme weather” and “admits the lack of global warming this century defies nearly all computer models that predict rapid future warming.” The organization devoted to the global warming hoax has been forced to retreat from decades of lies about it.
While FOE tries to scare people with references to “extreme weather disasters”, Idso and Taylor pointed to the fact that “Global hurricane frequency is undergoing a long-term decline, with global hurricane and tropical storm activity at record lows during the past several years…
The United States is benefitting from the longest period in recorded history without a major hurricane strike. Tornado activity is in long-term decline, with major tornado strikes (F3 or higher) showing a remarkable decline in recent decades.”
This is not to say that hurricanes like super storm Sandy or tornadoes have not occurred, but it is to say that there have been far less. These weather events affecting the United States have been in decline and that is the reality.
The FOE claim that any President can possibly “protect communities” is absurd. It is a lie.
The most worrisome aspect of environmental lies is that they are used to justify governmental policies.
The new Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Gina McCarthy, ahead of a trip to China, told a liberal advocacy group in Washington that she has devoted her life to protecting the environment: “And I really see no greater issue and no more urgent threat to public health than climate change.”
There is NOTHING the EPA can do about CLIMATE CHANGE.
The present global climate is, in fact, in a lengthy cooling cycle, not caused by anything to do with human activity, but by a reduction in solar radiation due to its own diminished cycle of magnetic storms (sunspots).
Cleaning the nation’s air and water is a public health activity, but denying Americans access to the nation’s vast reservoirs of coal, oil, and natural gas is an attack on the nation’s economic growth and a denial of the energy it requires to recover from the 2008 financial crisis, providing jobs and keeping energy costs under control.
Environmentalism is based on lies and the lies reflect an agenda that regards humanity as the enemy of the Earth.
Coldest Spot On Planet Earth
Parts of the Prairies saw temperatures plunge into the minus 20s and 30s last week feeling closer to the -40s when you factor in the wind chill. Ridiculously cold right? Not when you consider the coldest place on Earth. "It is a high ridge in Antarctica on the East Antarctic Plateau where temperatures in several hollows can dip below minus 133.6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 92 degrees Celsius) on a clear winter night," NASA says. Newly analyzed data from East Antarctica indicate the remote region has set a new record low at -94.7°C or -135.8 degrees Fahrenheit. It happened in August, 2010 and is based on NASA satellite data. "That is several degrees colder than the previous low of minus 128.6 F (minus 89.2 C), set in 1983 at the Russian Vostok Research Station in East Antarctica," says NASA.
400 Pacific Northwest Stations Fall Below Zero
“Historic December cold descended upon parts of the (U.S.) Pacific Northwest early Sunday morning, as the mercury dipped to as low as -41 degrees below zero in Oregon,” says the Albany Tribune. “Under a thick blanket of snow, several locations set new records. (All temperatures are in Fahrenheit.)
“At Lakeview, Oregon the mercury dropped to -27 degrees below zero, setting a new all-time record for that location. The previous record was -22 degrees below zero set back in February of 1933 and again in January of 1937.
Perhaps even more impressive was on the west side of the Cascade mountains where Eugene, Oregon fell to -10 degrees below zero Sunday morning. Eugene’s all-time record low of -12 degrees below zero was set on this very day back in 1972, making today the second coldest day in Eugene modern day history. Records date back more than 123 years (to 1890) in Eugene.
Other daily records were also set in Vancouver, Washington and many other stations.
Here are some of the Sunday morning low temperatures for selected cities;
Burns, Oregon = -30 degrees below zeroEqually impressive was the fact that out of nearly 750 stations reporting across Oregon this morning, more than 400 of them fell below zero last night.
Lakeview, Oregon = -27 degrees below zero (NEW ALL-TIME RECORD)
Redmond, Oregon = -27 degrees below zero
Eugene, Oregon = -10 degrees below zero. This was Eugene’s second coldest low on record (since 1890). All-time record low is -12 degrees.
Salem, Oregon = 8 degrees
Vancouver, Washington = 9 degrees (new record for the day)
Portland, Oregon (International Airport) = 12 degrees
Astoria, Oregon (along the coast) = 13 degrees
Not only below zero, many stations (more than 70 of them) dropped to the -20, -30, even -35 range.See entire article:
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Unreported Animal Die-offs And Radiation Affecting United States
Radiation reaching the United States from the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan is causing significant harm; affecting newborn Human babies in California, Pacific Ocean sea life, and even inland wild life. Radiation is causing massive die-offs of sea life as well as mammals, birds and reptiles inland. High percentages of inland animals that are not already dead are losing their fur, bleeding from lesions all over their bodies and failing to reproduce.
Radiation contamination of sea food is already confirmed and contamination of the inland food supply is now taking place as rain carries radiation from the Pacific ocean to inland farms. U.S. Government propagandists are claiming everything is all right – but they aren’t even monitoring radiation levels – while scientists outside the government are warning the worst is yet to come. Newly released government projections (contained in this article) show parts of Hawaii, Alaska and the entire west coast of North America may become uninhabitable due to radioactive Cesium-137 making its way toward us in the Pacific.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a nuclear energy accident at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, caused by an earthquake and, later, a tsunami (tidal wave) generated by that earthquake on 11 March 2011. The tsunami caused equipment failures and without this equipment, coolant stopped flowing into the reactor cores allowing them to get so hot, they melted. During the meltdowns, radioactive materials were released into the air and water beginning on March 12, 2011. Fukushima is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
The plant comprised six separate boiling water reactors originally designed by General Electric (GE) and maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
At the time of the earthquake, reactor 4 had been De-fueled and reactors 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance. Immediately after the earthquake, following government regulations, the remaining reactors 1, 2 and 3 shut down automatically, inserting control rods in what is termed a “SCRAM event.” Following this, emergency diesel generators came online to power electronics and coolant systems which operated right up until the tsunami. The tsunami arrived 50 minutes after the initial earthquake. The 13 meter (40 Feet) tall tsunami tidal wave overwhelmed the plant’s seawall, which was only 10 meters (30 feet) high.
The tsunami water flooded rooms in which the emergency generators were housed. The flooded diesel generators failed, cutting power to the critical pumps that must continuously circulate coolant water through a reactor to keep the fuel rods from melting down. Even though the control rods had come down and the nuclear reactions had halted, the fuel rods remained red hot following the SCRAM event. In fact, the rods remained hot enough to melt themselves down when no adequate cold sink was available.
Once the diesel generators failed from the tsunami flooding, secondary emergency cooling pumps kicked-in; they were run by batteries. One day later, the batteries died for the secondary emergency pumps. The pumps stopped and the reactors began to overheat due to lack of water to cool the fuel rods. As workers struggled to supply power to the reactors coolant systems and restore power to their control rooms, the overheating reactors released hydrogen gas; an incredibly explosive gas. A number of hydrogen-air chemical explosions occurred, the first in Unit 1, on March 12 and the last in Unit 4, on March 15. These explosions tore the reactor buildings apart, and did severe damage to whatever cooling systems remained; making them all but useless.
The first explosion took place on March 12. The remaining explosions took place by March 15. The results are shown below:
In 2012, the Congressional Research Service reported to Congress as follows:
“As it approaches the west coast of North America, the North Pacific Current splits into the southward California Current and the northward Alaska Current. Although these currents have the potential for bringing radiation from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident to U.S. waters, their flow is slow … Regardless of the slow flow, radioactive contaminants with long half-lives (e.g., cesium-137, with a half-life of about 30 years) could still pose concerns if transported over long distances by ocean currents.”
Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution advised that radiation levels in seafood should continue to be monitored … there remains the potential for a corridor of highly contaminated water leading away from Japan and a very patchy distribution of contaminated fish; extensive monitoring will determine the exact dispersion of these radioactive contaminants. [...]
It has been suggested that cesium-137 may move up the food chain and become concentrated in fish muscle or that radiation hot spots may occur. Another potential concern is related to accumulation of strontium-90 in fish bone [...] additional radiation from [Fukushima] might eventually also be detected in North Pacific waters under U.S. jurisdiction, even months after its release. Regardless of slow ocean transport, the long half-life of radioactive cesium isotopes means that radioactive contaminants could remain a valid concern for years.
On March 30, 2011, Mr. Lake Barrett, a former official with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and now an adviser to TEPCO, said “The environmental release is the growing challenge; you’re going to read more and more about it in the paper. Wait until the first cesium-137 shows up in Alaska salmon, which is only a matter of time.” Mr. Barrett’s warning was prescient.
In 2012, out of twenty Pacific Tuna fish caught and tested from various points in the ocean, one hundred percent (100%) tested positive for radiation contamination! Researchers at Stanford University studied samples from 20 blue-fin tuna caught off California between May and August 2012 and said they detected radioactive cesium. They concluded the source of the contamination was the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
In British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Herring have been found to be bleeding from their eyes, mouths, fins and tails. Independent fisheries scientist Alexandra Morton is raising concerns about a “disease” she says is spreading through Pacific herring causing fish to hemorrhage. “I did a beach seine on Malcolm Island [near Port McNeill on northern Vancouver Island] and I got approximately 100 of these little herring and they were not only bleeding from their fins, but their bellies, their chins, their eyeballs. “It was 100 per cent … I couldn’t find any that weren’t bleeding to some degree.”
Morton dragged up several hundred of the fish and found the trouble had spread – instead of their usual silver color the fish had eyes, tails, underbellies, gills and faces plastered with blood. “I have never seen fish that looked this bad,” In June, the affected fish were only found in eastern Johnstone Strait, but have since spread to Alert Bay and Sointula, she said.
On July 22, 2013, more than two years after the incident, it was revealed that the plant has been leaking 300 Tons of heavily contaminated radioactive water into the Pacific OceanEVERY DAY since the accident of March 11, 2011, something long suspected by local fishermen and independent investigators. TEPCO had previously denied this was happening and the situation prompted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe to order the government to step in. It was then revealed how — and how much — radiation is pouring into the Pacific Ocean:
On August 20, 2013 in a further incident, it was announced that an ADDITIONAL 300 metric tons of heavily contaminated water had also leaked from a storage tank at the plant and had gone into ground water and into the Pacific. What this means is that the water pouring out of that plant today is just as poisonous as the water that came out the first day this accident took place; and it has been that way for over 1,000 days — and counting!
Scientists at the University of Alaska are concerned because some radiation has arrived in northern Alaska and along its west coast. That’s raised concern over contamination of fish and wildlife. More may be heading toward coastal communities like Haines and Skagway.
Douglas Dasher, a researcher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says radiation levels in Alaskan waters could reach Cold War levels. “The levels they are projecting in some of the models are in the ballpark of what they saw in the North Pacific in the 1960s,” he said. Those levels occurred after the US conducted open-air blasts of nuclear weapons in the south Pacific.
This contamination is taking place because the major ocean currents running east from Japan, split as they approach the North American continent; part of the current heads north toward Alaska, the other part heads south toward the U.S. west coast. Those currents are carrying highly radioactive water from the Fukushima disaster throughout the Pacific ocean.
In November, 2013, enormous amounts of Star Fish on the sea floor off the California coast have begun dissolving into mushy piles of white goo. During an ocean dive Thursday morning, November 7, 2013 off the coast of Santa Cruz, Pete Raimondi [UCSC ecology professor] watched two halves of a broken sea star ravaged by a “wasting syndrome” walk away from each other. Not long after, they would turn into mushy piles of goo, disintegrated by a disease that has so far perplexed scientists. It appears the syndrome is impacting as many as 10 sea star species up and down the West Coast, wiping out entire populations in certain areas.
“They can go from great — to pieces — in 12 hours,” said Raimondi. The Pacific Ocean is in the middle of a cooling trend, so biologists are at a loss to explain the outbreak. Others, speaking to Turner Radio Network on condition of anonymity fearing retaliation from authorities, said the cause has already been identified: radiation poisoning. These biologists have been threatened with losing their jobs if they reveal this publicly.
On November 11, 2013 FOX NEWS reported that since June, researchers have seen the disease spread from as far as British Columbia, Canada, down through California and, within the past year, from Maine through New Jersey. The scientists tracking the disease find this simultaneous bi-coastal infection especially alarming. “There is no direct route to get from Providence to Seattle,” Gary Wessel, a molecular biologist at Brown University. However, when one considers the evaporation of radiation-contaminated water from the Pacific, being carried inland by weather systems, and the jet stream then carrying those weather systems to the east coast, the explanation becomes obvious.
On November 23, 2013, thousands of dead sea birds began washing up on the shores of Alaska. Many of the carcases were broken open and bleeding.
The toxic effects of radiation on sea life is getting so terrible it is actually causing sea creatures to flee the deep ocean and head toward the shores.On November 24, the New York Times reported: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them … in the waters of Monterey Bay.
Then the sea lions came, by the thousands … then pelicans … bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted. But it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents — more than 200 humpbacks … and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy Orcas … the water in every direction roiled with mammals.
For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories … never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long. Last month, so many anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor that the oxygen ran out, leading to a major die-off.
Marine researchers PUBLICLY say they are baffled about the reason for the anchovy explosion. PRIVATELY, they tell the Turner Radio Network the cause is Fukushima radiation but they’ve been told to keep quiet to avoid causing a public panic. INLAND WILDLIFE BADLY AFFECTED
According to a November report by the U.S. Geological Survey: Alopecia (loss of fur) and skin lesions were recently observed in polar bears off the northern coast of Alaska. According to the Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network since the spring of 2012, a total of 23 polar bears from Barrow, Deadhorse and Kaktovik have been identified with variable degrees of hair loss/ thinning, inflamed and crusting skin, and oral lesions. The prevalence of these symptoms appears to be in about 28% of observed animals.
The concurrent presence of hair loss in seals, walrus and polar bears has suggested a possible connection between the events. Biologists in Alaska have observed a high rate of non-viable eggs in nests of greater white-fronted geese. Northern fur seals and soil samples in Alaska are also showing unusual signs. In another study, the Alaska Science Center has documented surprisingly high mortality (20–30 percent) of adult female musk ox during mid- to late summer in northwestern Alaska.
In Montana, Wyoming and inland to Minnesota, the effects of Fukushima are already being seen. According to the Billings (Montana) Gazette, Nov. 18, 2013: Jared Jansen said, he and his father, Mike, have seen up to 100 dead deer at a time along the Musselshell River. … die-offs have whittled the once hardy deer herds down to a handful. “I’ve only seen three does this year. . . It used to be when I was haying along the river, early in the morning, I’d see 200 to 500 head in the meadows.”
The reasons attributed to these die-offs sound like something out of a science fiction thriller: epizootic hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague, bluetongue, brucellosis, chytrid, chronic wasting disease … Yet the all-too-real afflictions threaten to reduce the populations of wild mammals, birds and reptiles across Montana, Wyoming and other regions.
“There is a general consensus among scientists that we are seeing more disease,” said Jonathan Sleeman, director of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis. . . so many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals … A study is being conducted in northwestern Montana to examine the possible causes.” Others within the USGS who asked to remain anonymous for fear of their jobs say that radiation is the cause, but the government won’t admit it because there is nothing they can do about it.
In Minnesota, the Independent Record newspaper Oct. 31, 2013 reports Moose in the northern United States are dying … The die-off is most dire in Minnesota, where ecologists say moose could be gone within a decade. Concerns have prompted a 10-year study of moose in Montana. It’s not just in Montana, either. An aerial survey of moose in northeastern Minnesota earlier this year showed a 52 percent drop in population, which prompted the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to completely call off the 2013 moose hunting season. In various regions of British Columbia [Canada], populations have declined from 20 to 70 percent in recent years.
A new study of the effects of tiny quantities of radioactive fallout from Fukushima on the health of babies born in California shows a significant excess of hypothyroidism caused by the radioactive contamination traveling 5,000 miles across the Pacific.
The article will be published next week in the peer-reviewed journal Open Journal of Pediatrics. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare but serious condition normally affecting about one child in 2,000, and one that demands clinical intervention – the growth of children suffering from the condition is affected if they are left untreated. All babies born in California are monitored at birth for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels in blood, since high levels indicate hypothyroidism.
Joe Mangano and Janette Sherman of the Radiation and Public Health Project in New York, and Christopher Busby, guest researcher at Jacobs University, Bremen, examined congenital hypothyroidism (CH) rates in newborns using data obtained from the State of California over the period of the Fukushima explosions.
Their results are published in their paper Changes in confirmed plus borderline cases of congenital hypothyroidism in California as a function of environmental fallout from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. The researchers compared data for babies exposed to radioactive Iodine-131 and born between March 17th and Dec 31st 2011 with unexposed babies born in 2011 before the exposures plus those born in 2012.
Confirmed cases of hypothyroidism, defined as those with TSH level greater than 29 units increased by 21% in the group of babies that were exposed to excess radioactive Iodine in the womb. The same group of children had a 27% increase in ‘borderline cases’.
The Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) provides free radiation monitoring information to the public from about 300 private monitoring sites and many more government monitoring sites like “RADnet” from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In the past ten days, the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) has issued radiation alerts for several major U.S. cities after background radiation levels in those cities suddenly spiked to record high levels or jumped to fifty percent higher than normal in the “Counts Per Minute” (CPM) of deadly Gamma Radiation in the 600 – 800 keV range. Those Alerts are known as “RADCON – 5″ Alerts because the radiation has climbed to the highest level on the 5 step scale. Despite the issuance of RADCON-5 Alerts, no mass-media in ANY of those cities, bothered to report the condition. Cities affected were / are:
COMPARISON TO READINGS AT FUKUSHIMA Now that you’ve seen the numbers here in the U.S., take a look at the reading at Fukushima itself:
The graphic below, (File is 14.4 MB May Take Time to Load) produced by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) an agency of the United States Government, shows the MONTHLY predicted spread and potency of radioactive Cesium-137 from Fukushima throughout the Pacific Ocean. The GIF runs from March, 2011 when the disaster took place, all the way through to the year 2041.
Based upon these projections, northernmost Hawaii will be uninhabitable by January, 2015. The government is concealing this to protect real estate values and tourism because there’s nothing the government can do to stop the radiation.
By October, 2016, all of southern Alaska including the Aleutian Islands will be uninhabitable. The government is concealing this to protect the fishing industry because there’s nothing the government can do to stop the radiation.
By June, 2017, the entire west coast of Canada and the United States will be uninhabitable. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments are concealing this to avoid a panic, to preserve real estate values in some of the wealthiest areas of both countries, to preserve farming and fishing industries in those areas from being driven out of business when consumers shun their products due to radiation contamination and because there is nothing the governments can do to stop the radiation.
(Note: The government projection below uses only 1/3rd the amount of Cesium that was actually released initially and DOES NOT take into account the 300 metric tons of contaminated water which has leaked into the Pacific Ocean EVERY DAY since the accident in March, 2011.)
To simply download the file above, right-click here and select “Save Link As”
Beginning on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, TEPCO is to begin attempting to remove the 1,534 used fuel rods that remain inside Reactor #4. These rods contain pellets of nuclear materials like Uranium and Plutonium as well as other radioactive materials. Experts say that the fuel rods may snap during the removal process because the reactor pool is physically damaged and the rods may not be able to come out perfectly straight.
In the event a rod snaps, and fuel pellets fall out from inside the rod onto the floor of the reactor pool, they could begin reacting with each other on the floor of the pool. They would become self-sustaining mini reactors, completely uncontrollable, boiling-off the pool water, thereby allowing the remaining fuel rods to overheat and meltdown and releasing tons of radioactive gases into the atmosphere. One byproduct of such a scenario would be large amounts of hydrogen gas. The temporary structure built around Reactor #4 after the earthquake, would hold enough of that hydrogen gas to make the equivalent of a nuclear explosion once the gas ignites.
Experts say that if such a scenario takes place as TEPCO is removing the remaining fuel rods, “it is bye-bye Japan and people on the west coast of the United States and Canada would have only DAYS to evacuate to avoid lethal doses of radiation.”
- See more at:
Radiation contamination of sea food is already confirmed and contamination of the inland food supply is now taking place as rain carries radiation from the Pacific ocean to inland farms. U.S. Government propagandists are claiming everything is all right – but they aren’t even monitoring radiation levels – while scientists outside the government are warning the worst is yet to come. Newly released government projections (contained in this article) show parts of Hawaii, Alaska and the entire west coast of North America may become uninhabitable due to radioactive Cesium-137 making its way toward us in the Pacific.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster was a nuclear energy accident at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, caused by an earthquake and, later, a tsunami (tidal wave) generated by that earthquake on 11 March 2011. The tsunami caused equipment failures and without this equipment, coolant stopped flowing into the reactor cores allowing them to get so hot, they melted. During the meltdowns, radioactive materials were released into the air and water beginning on March 12, 2011. Fukushima is the largest nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the second disaster (along with Chernobyl) to measure Level 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
The plant comprised six separate boiling water reactors originally designed by General Electric (GE) and maintained by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
At the time of the earthquake, reactor 4 had been De-fueled and reactors 5 and 6 were in cold shutdown for planned maintenance. Immediately after the earthquake, following government regulations, the remaining reactors 1, 2 and 3 shut down automatically, inserting control rods in what is termed a “SCRAM event.” Following this, emergency diesel generators came online to power electronics and coolant systems which operated right up until the tsunami. The tsunami arrived 50 minutes after the initial earthquake. The 13 meter (40 Feet) tall tsunami tidal wave overwhelmed the plant’s seawall, which was only 10 meters (30 feet) high.
The tsunami water flooded rooms in which the emergency generators were housed. The flooded diesel generators failed, cutting power to the critical pumps that must continuously circulate coolant water through a reactor to keep the fuel rods from melting down. Even though the control rods had come down and the nuclear reactions had halted, the fuel rods remained red hot following the SCRAM event. In fact, the rods remained hot enough to melt themselves down when no adequate cold sink was available.
Once the diesel generators failed from the tsunami flooding, secondary emergency cooling pumps kicked-in; they were run by batteries. One day later, the batteries died for the secondary emergency pumps. The pumps stopped and the reactors began to overheat due to lack of water to cool the fuel rods. As workers struggled to supply power to the reactors coolant systems and restore power to their control rooms, the overheating reactors released hydrogen gas; an incredibly explosive gas. A number of hydrogen-air chemical explosions occurred, the first in Unit 1, on March 12 and the last in Unit 4, on March 15. These explosions tore the reactor buildings apart, and did severe damage to whatever cooling systems remained; making them all but useless.
The first explosion took place on March 12. The remaining explosions took place by March 15. The results are shown below:
In 2012, the Congressional Research Service reported to Congress as follows:
“As it approaches the west coast of North America, the North Pacific Current splits into the southward California Current and the northward Alaska Current. Although these currents have the potential for bringing radiation from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident to U.S. waters, their flow is slow … Regardless of the slow flow, radioactive contaminants with long half-lives (e.g., cesium-137, with a half-life of about 30 years) could still pose concerns if transported over long distances by ocean currents.”
Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution advised that radiation levels in seafood should continue to be monitored … there remains the potential for a corridor of highly contaminated water leading away from Japan and a very patchy distribution of contaminated fish; extensive monitoring will determine the exact dispersion of these radioactive contaminants. [...]
It has been suggested that cesium-137 may move up the food chain and become concentrated in fish muscle or that radiation hot spots may occur. Another potential concern is related to accumulation of strontium-90 in fish bone [...] additional radiation from [Fukushima] might eventually also be detected in North Pacific waters under U.S. jurisdiction, even months after its release. Regardless of slow ocean transport, the long half-life of radioactive cesium isotopes means that radioactive contaminants could remain a valid concern for years.
On March 30, 2011, Mr. Lake Barrett, a former official with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and now an adviser to TEPCO, said “The environmental release is the growing challenge; you’re going to read more and more about it in the paper. Wait until the first cesium-137 shows up in Alaska salmon, which is only a matter of time.” Mr. Barrett’s warning was prescient.
In 2012, out of twenty Pacific Tuna fish caught and tested from various points in the ocean, one hundred percent (100%) tested positive for radiation contamination! Researchers at Stanford University studied samples from 20 blue-fin tuna caught off California between May and August 2012 and said they detected radioactive cesium. They concluded the source of the contamination was the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
In British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Herring have been found to be bleeding from their eyes, mouths, fins and tails. Independent fisheries scientist Alexandra Morton is raising concerns about a “disease” she says is spreading through Pacific herring causing fish to hemorrhage. “I did a beach seine on Malcolm Island [near Port McNeill on northern Vancouver Island] and I got approximately 100 of these little herring and they were not only bleeding from their fins, but their bellies, their chins, their eyeballs. “It was 100 per cent … I couldn’t find any that weren’t bleeding to some degree.”
Morton dragged up several hundred of the fish and found the trouble had spread – instead of their usual silver color the fish had eyes, tails, underbellies, gills and faces plastered with blood. “I have never seen fish that looked this bad,” In June, the affected fish were only found in eastern Johnstone Strait, but have since spread to Alert Bay and Sointula, she said.
On July 22, 2013, more than two years after the incident, it was revealed that the plant has been leaking 300 Tons of heavily contaminated radioactive water into the Pacific OceanEVERY DAY since the accident of March 11, 2011, something long suspected by local fishermen and independent investigators. TEPCO had previously denied this was happening and the situation prompted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe to order the government to step in. It was then revealed how — and how much — radiation is pouring into the Pacific Ocean:
On August 20, 2013 in a further incident, it was announced that an ADDITIONAL 300 metric tons of heavily contaminated water had also leaked from a storage tank at the plant and had gone into ground water and into the Pacific. What this means is that the water pouring out of that plant today is just as poisonous as the water that came out the first day this accident took place; and it has been that way for over 1,000 days — and counting!
Scientists at the University of Alaska are concerned because some radiation has arrived in northern Alaska and along its west coast. That’s raised concern over contamination of fish and wildlife. More may be heading toward coastal communities like Haines and Skagway.
Douglas Dasher, a researcher at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says radiation levels in Alaskan waters could reach Cold War levels. “The levels they are projecting in some of the models are in the ballpark of what they saw in the North Pacific in the 1960s,” he said. Those levels occurred after the US conducted open-air blasts of nuclear weapons in the south Pacific.
This contamination is taking place because the major ocean currents running east from Japan, split as they approach the North American continent; part of the current heads north toward Alaska, the other part heads south toward the U.S. west coast. Those currents are carrying highly radioactive water from the Fukushima disaster throughout the Pacific ocean.
In November, 2013, enormous amounts of Star Fish on the sea floor off the California coast have begun dissolving into mushy piles of white goo. During an ocean dive Thursday morning, November 7, 2013 off the coast of Santa Cruz, Pete Raimondi [UCSC ecology professor] watched two halves of a broken sea star ravaged by a “wasting syndrome” walk away from each other. Not long after, they would turn into mushy piles of goo, disintegrated by a disease that has so far perplexed scientists. It appears the syndrome is impacting as many as 10 sea star species up and down the West Coast, wiping out entire populations in certain areas.
“They can go from great — to pieces — in 12 hours,” said Raimondi. The Pacific Ocean is in the middle of a cooling trend, so biologists are at a loss to explain the outbreak. Others, speaking to Turner Radio Network on condition of anonymity fearing retaliation from authorities, said the cause has already been identified: radiation poisoning. These biologists have been threatened with losing their jobs if they reveal this publicly.
On November 11, 2013 FOX NEWS reported that since June, researchers have seen the disease spread from as far as British Columbia, Canada, down through California and, within the past year, from Maine through New Jersey. The scientists tracking the disease find this simultaneous bi-coastal infection especially alarming. “There is no direct route to get from Providence to Seattle,” Gary Wessel, a molecular biologist at Brown University. However, when one considers the evaporation of radiation-contaminated water from the Pacific, being carried inland by weather systems, and the jet stream then carrying those weather systems to the east coast, the explanation becomes obvious.
On November 23, 2013, thousands of dead sea birds began washing up on the shores of Alaska. Many of the carcases were broken open and bleeding.
The toxic effects of radiation on sea life is getting so terrible it is actually causing sea creatures to flee the deep ocean and head toward the shores.On November 24, the New York Times reported: It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them … in the waters of Monterey Bay.
Then the sea lions came, by the thousands … then pelicans … bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted. But it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents — more than 200 humpbacks … and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy Orcas … the water in every direction roiled with mammals.
For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories … never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long. Last month, so many anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor that the oxygen ran out, leading to a major die-off.
Marine researchers PUBLICLY say they are baffled about the reason for the anchovy explosion. PRIVATELY, they tell the Turner Radio Network the cause is Fukushima radiation but they’ve been told to keep quiet to avoid causing a public panic. INLAND WILDLIFE BADLY AFFECTED
According to a November report by the U.S. Geological Survey: Alopecia (loss of fur) and skin lesions were recently observed in polar bears off the northern coast of Alaska. According to the Alaska Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network since the spring of 2012, a total of 23 polar bears from Barrow, Deadhorse and Kaktovik have been identified with variable degrees of hair loss/ thinning, inflamed and crusting skin, and oral lesions. The prevalence of these symptoms appears to be in about 28% of observed animals.
The concurrent presence of hair loss in seals, walrus and polar bears has suggested a possible connection between the events. Biologists in Alaska have observed a high rate of non-viable eggs in nests of greater white-fronted geese. Northern fur seals and soil samples in Alaska are also showing unusual signs. In another study, the Alaska Science Center has documented surprisingly high mortality (20–30 percent) of adult female musk ox during mid- to late summer in northwestern Alaska.
In Montana, Wyoming and inland to Minnesota, the effects of Fukushima are already being seen. According to the Billings (Montana) Gazette, Nov. 18, 2013: Jared Jansen said, he and his father, Mike, have seen up to 100 dead deer at a time along the Musselshell River. … die-offs have whittled the once hardy deer herds down to a handful. “I’ve only seen three does this year. . . It used to be when I was haying along the river, early in the morning, I’d see 200 to 500 head in the meadows.”
The reasons attributed to these die-offs sound like something out of a science fiction thriller: epizootic hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague, bluetongue, brucellosis, chytrid, chronic wasting disease … Yet the all-too-real afflictions threaten to reduce the populations of wild mammals, birds and reptiles across Montana, Wyoming and other regions.
“There is a general consensus among scientists that we are seeing more disease,” said Jonathan Sleeman, director of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wis. . . so many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals … A study is being conducted in northwestern Montana to examine the possible causes.” Others within the USGS who asked to remain anonymous for fear of their jobs say that radiation is the cause, but the government won’t admit it because there is nothing they can do about it.
In Minnesota, the Independent Record newspaper Oct. 31, 2013 reports Moose in the northern United States are dying … The die-off is most dire in Minnesota, where ecologists say moose could be gone within a decade. Concerns have prompted a 10-year study of moose in Montana. It’s not just in Montana, either. An aerial survey of moose in northeastern Minnesota earlier this year showed a 52 percent drop in population, which prompted the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to completely call off the 2013 moose hunting season. In various regions of British Columbia [Canada], populations have declined from 20 to 70 percent in recent years.
A new study of the effects of tiny quantities of radioactive fallout from Fukushima on the health of babies born in California shows a significant excess of hypothyroidism caused by the radioactive contamination traveling 5,000 miles across the Pacific.
The article will be published next week in the peer-reviewed journal Open Journal of Pediatrics. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare but serious condition normally affecting about one child in 2,000, and one that demands clinical intervention – the growth of children suffering from the condition is affected if they are left untreated. All babies born in California are monitored at birth for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels in blood, since high levels indicate hypothyroidism.
Joe Mangano and Janette Sherman of the Radiation and Public Health Project in New York, and Christopher Busby, guest researcher at Jacobs University, Bremen, examined congenital hypothyroidism (CH) rates in newborns using data obtained from the State of California over the period of the Fukushima explosions.
Their results are published in their paper Changes in confirmed plus borderline cases of congenital hypothyroidism in California as a function of environmental fallout from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown. The researchers compared data for babies exposed to radioactive Iodine-131 and born between March 17th and Dec 31st 2011 with unexposed babies born in 2011 before the exposures plus those born in 2012.
Confirmed cases of hypothyroidism, defined as those with TSH level greater than 29 units increased by 21% in the group of babies that were exposed to excess radioactive Iodine in the womb. The same group of children had a 27% increase in ‘borderline cases’.
The Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) provides free radiation monitoring information to the public from about 300 private monitoring sites and many more government monitoring sites like “RADnet” from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In the past ten days, the Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center (NETC) has issued radiation alerts for several major U.S. cities after background radiation levels in those cities suddenly spiked to record high levels or jumped to fifty percent higher than normal in the “Counts Per Minute” (CPM) of deadly Gamma Radiation in the 600 – 800 keV range. Those Alerts are known as “RADCON – 5″ Alerts because the radiation has climbed to the highest level on the 5 step scale. Despite the issuance of RADCON-5 Alerts, no mass-media in ANY of those cities, bothered to report the condition. Cities affected were / are:
COMPARISON TO READINGS AT FUKUSHIMA Now that you’ve seen the numbers here in the U.S., take a look at the reading at Fukushima itself:
The graphic below, (File is 14.4 MB May Take Time to Load) produced by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) an agency of the United States Government, shows the MONTHLY predicted spread and potency of radioactive Cesium-137 from Fukushima throughout the Pacific Ocean. The GIF runs from March, 2011 when the disaster took place, all the way through to the year 2041.
Based upon these projections, northernmost Hawaii will be uninhabitable by January, 2015. The government is concealing this to protect real estate values and tourism because there’s nothing the government can do to stop the radiation.
By October, 2016, all of southern Alaska including the Aleutian Islands will be uninhabitable. The government is concealing this to protect the fishing industry because there’s nothing the government can do to stop the radiation.
By June, 2017, the entire west coast of Canada and the United States will be uninhabitable. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments are concealing this to avoid a panic, to preserve real estate values in some of the wealthiest areas of both countries, to preserve farming and fishing industries in those areas from being driven out of business when consumers shun their products due to radiation contamination and because there is nothing the governments can do to stop the radiation.
(Note: The government projection below uses only 1/3rd the amount of Cesium that was actually released initially and DOES NOT take into account the 300 metric tons of contaminated water which has leaked into the Pacific Ocean EVERY DAY since the accident in March, 2011.)
To simply download the file above, right-click here and select “Save Link As”
Beginning on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, TEPCO is to begin attempting to remove the 1,534 used fuel rods that remain inside Reactor #4. These rods contain pellets of nuclear materials like Uranium and Plutonium as well as other radioactive materials. Experts say that the fuel rods may snap during the removal process because the reactor pool is physically damaged and the rods may not be able to come out perfectly straight.
In the event a rod snaps, and fuel pellets fall out from inside the rod onto the floor of the reactor pool, they could begin reacting with each other on the floor of the pool. They would become self-sustaining mini reactors, completely uncontrollable, boiling-off the pool water, thereby allowing the remaining fuel rods to overheat and meltdown and releasing tons of radioactive gases into the atmosphere. One byproduct of such a scenario would be large amounts of hydrogen gas. The temporary structure built around Reactor #4 after the earthquake, would hold enough of that hydrogen gas to make the equivalent of a nuclear explosion once the gas ignites.
Experts say that if such a scenario takes place as TEPCO is removing the remaining fuel rods, “it is bye-bye Japan and people on the west coast of the United States and Canada would have only DAYS to evacuate to avoid lethal doses of radiation.”
- See more at:
Fish health,
natural remedies,
radiation sickness,
sea radiation
Friday, December 6, 2013
Are We All Eating Fukushima Radioactive Fallout?
In my estimation all of the food in the Northern Hemisphere,
including organic, has the potential of having Fukushima radiation fall
on it. Since March 11, 2011, I have been heavily supplementing and
detoxing myself and all of my animals.
This radiation isn't a surprise, it has been happening every day for 24/7 and will continue for generations to come. It could only get worse if the fuel rod removal from Reactor 4 get loose!
You can learn of my Top 50 Radiation Solutions to minimize harmful effects from radiation ..
I intend to take extra precautions for the remainder of my life, learn more about Radiation Detox
For my garden, I use Zeolite in the soil prior to planting and also built a greenhouse to eliminate fallout. For my animals, I put Bentonite clay in their water and they will choose water with clay every time, rather than plain water.
Stay healthy.
This radiation isn't a surprise, it has been happening every day for 24/7 and will continue for generations to come. It could only get worse if the fuel rod removal from Reactor 4 get loose!
You can learn of my Top 50 Radiation Solutions to minimize harmful effects from radiation ..
I intend to take extra precautions for the remainder of my life, learn more about Radiation Detox
For my garden, I use Zeolite in the soil prior to planting and also built a greenhouse to eliminate fallout. For my animals, I put Bentonite clay in their water and they will choose water with clay every time, rather than plain water.
Stay healthy.
natural remedies,
radiation sickness,
sea radiation
Stop Killing Dogs In Experiments That Don't Help Humans
Complaint Says Wayne State Dog Experiments Don’t Help HumansLocal doctors and concerned citizens joined the Physicians Committee in November at Wayne State University to protest the use of dogs in heart failure experiments. Doctors also delivered a petition with more than 1,000 signatures to Wayne State’s new president.![]() It appears that Wayne State violated Michigan state law by brining at least 21 dogs across state lines without interstate health certificates or official certificates of veterinary inspection, alleges a Physicians Committee complaint filed Nov. 14. The dogs were purchased from a facility in Virginia to be used in painful heart experiments and then killed. The authorities should immediately seize and quarantine any illegally imported dogs now being held in the laboratory at Wayne State, according to the Physicians Committee. In a related case, a Michigan judge recently ruled in favor of the Physicians Committee and ordered Wayne State to provide medical records and other documents relating to the dog experiments. The documents reveal that Rogue, a small hound, was forced to exercise on a treadmill just four days after one of her surgeries. After less than five months, Rogue was euthanized. When the experimenters removed their equipment from Rogue, they found that she had a hole in her aorta and had been bleeding into her chest for four days. Rogue’s short life in the laboratory failed to provide any data that would lead to treatments for human patients. To learn more about the experiments and read Rogue’s story, visit ![]() |
Multnomah County Animal Control Unlawful conduct and civil rights violations
Multnomah County Animal Control
Unlawful conduct and civil rights violations
Recent cases
Lulu: After
asking every responsible county official on July 31 (e-mails below:
Michael Oswald; Jeff Cogen; Kim Peoples) for help and a sensible
solution for Lulu, a beloved pit bull dog belonging to a poor family,
James and Emma Lavine, a family whose problem in these hard economic
times is common; they could not afford a secure enclosure or fence, Lulu
was instead killed. All that was needed was a secure fence or secure
enclosure for which resources were available (Fences for Fido is focused
on helping low income families and I had a secured kennel donation).
August 03, at 8:29 AM Lulu was administered 11 ml of FATAL PLUS and
died. Her family believed accurately that they had had several days left
before the end of the appeal time. They had no car and depended upon
others for transportation. I had found a kennel donation for them.
law, citizens have 30 days to appeal from the date of service (in this
case the date of service was July 08, 2013; Lulu was killed August 03,
almost a week before the appeal time ran out.) If Multnomah County
citizens are poor, homeless or minorities (in effect powerless). MCAS
with full county commission approval (and vast county indifference)
defies the lawful requirement for appeal dates and takes advantage. They
know citizens struggling to survive cannot afford a legal challenge.
Vulnerable populations are fair game. They take advantage every time
with full immunity.
was killed and labeled “unhealthy/untreatable” a designation so
dishonest it can’t even be logically addressed. MCAS with the capacity
to help instead destroyed. That is part of the Multnomah County
Commission’s culture.
Lucent and Loki: Wendy
Young was charged $1000 (July 27 notices of infraction attached) by
Officer Cherry, accompanied by a demand that a kennel be built before
redemption. Wendy Young only recently found a job after a long term
search; she has no car; she is poor and losing her home. One of her
children left the gate open. The charge that led to this ticket was that
the dogs were at large (a recurrence).
She is terrified, and rightly
so, that her husky and malamute will be killed. She cannot afford MCAS
fees for impoundment and penalties. But that is what MCAS does: take
hostages; prey upon fear and poverty. I wrote to the county about the
excessive fees as well. You did nothing.
County government’s lack of morality and neglect of its humanitarian
responsibilities is shocking and violates its claimed mission: defending
the vulnerable. MCAS violates the county’s mission every day when the
subjects are African American; Hispanic; homeless or just poor:
disposable categories. There is a lack of moral core and also caring
boundaries altogether in a county that behaves like a privileged club.
animal safety,
Civil Rights,
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Why Does Portland Oregon Bully and Intimidate Minorities and Homeless?
To: Marisa Madrigal, Interim County Chair
Kim Peoples, Department of Community Services
CC: Multnomah County Commission
CC: Portland City Council
CC: Robert Babcock, Attny
am not addressing Michael Oswald, Director of MCAS. Mr Oswald
condones officer misconduct towards minority and homeless populations. I
am asking that you intervene in this particular case if it is not too
late and that you strongly and affirmatively address the prejudice
against Hispanics and homeless persons among MCAS officers.
Cherry's manipulation of minorities and impoverished persons is not
new, nor is it unique. Tantrum tickets are common forms of officer
abuse. It simply has not been corrected.
Case Summary
: On 11.20.13 Animal Control officer BPPST AC010 ( the name of the
officer is a letter " J": no first or last name; a problem Mr. Oswald
knows about but will not correct...most officers are not legibly
identified on Notices of Infraction) gave Onesimo Lopez Garcia three
- NOI 89435 for Tiger, his brindle pit bull: Failure to comply Level 4 $500 (excessive fees are commonly used with the homeless and minorities as part of attempted extorted surrender). Excessive fees don't correct they simply terrify.
- NOI 89434 for Tiger , Level 1, $75, further violations will result in ownership suspension
- NOI 89436 for Chata, Level 1, $75 further villations will result in ownership suspension.
commonly MCAS officers issue disproportionate fines to
frighten vulnerable populations. They offer no help. It is part of
MCAS's culture of prejudice and bullying. Officers without
ethics training or guidance at MCAS have enormous discretion to do as
they please. That is well documented.
As of this
writing, Chata is deceased, shot by a neighbor. Mr Lopez Garcia reports
that the animal control officer; he believes it was Officer
Cherry. reported shooting a dog for killing a cat was perfectly legal.
It is not .
Officer Cherry entered the residence
and took Tiger,the family pit bull and a companion to 7 and 8 year old
children when he was not home. When he arrived home, Tiger had already
been loaded into the truck by Officer Cherry. Officer Cherry took the
family dog from minors without permission and she did so from inside
the family's home without adults present.
Lopez Garcia speaks no English. He was crying at the time. He told me
that Officer Cherry clearly dislikes pit bulls ( His dogs are gentle
family companions, members of the family). Officer Cherry accused him
of deception, stating he knew but pretended to lack English fluency.I
have heard the same credible bullying about language
fluency reported before from other citizens. I have witnessed it as
well. Mr Lopez Garcia has no English fluency at all. Having just spent
20 minutes speaking with him in Spanish I can assure you of that.
Cherry demanded that he sign paperwork. He signed upon her demand but
had no understanding about what he was signing or why. Officer Cherry
took Tiger two days ago and stated that Tiger would be killed
automatically in 6 additional days.
Tiger is not on the December 02, 2013 inventory. Did you kill Tiger?
Obviously there were constructive solutions. MCAS just rejects them over and over again.
many reports of MCAS malfeasance and misconduct does it take before
this county commission stops human rights violations and officer
misconduct at this agency?
Mr. Lopez Garcia is
calling the county chair's office for assitance tomorrow. Help him. Do
not send him onto the agency that caused the problem and is the source
of so much citizen misery and wrongdoing ( the agency's not the public).
MCAS management is the problem. Have someone present at the county
commission who can commuinicate with him in his native tongue: Spanish.
do something about the lawlessness at this agency unless you too
believe Hispanics, other minorities ( African Americans are in the same
position) and the homeless are disposable trash, not human beings.
Gail O'Connell-Babcock, PhD
Citizens for Humane Animal Legislation/Watchdog
Sherwood OR 97140
Telephone: 503.625.4563
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